Hans of the southern isles

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When Anna was day dream she bump into Hans and they fall into a boat. She was about to walk away when he said "Wait, don't go. You don't have to be embarrassed princess "Oh-I'm-just-me." He Anna stopped and turned around. "Because I'm someone even more embarrassing to be. I'm only thirteenth son of a king of a very small kingdom of very small islands to the south and nobody sings about this humble face or my lack of grace or quotes what comes out of my mouth thank goodness. I've journeyed a long way to see your sister crowned. To honor and to back you.  Yet here I go and smack you to the ground. Please accept the humblest of the apologies from a clumsy prince who's only come to serve and please. With a line of mean, big brothers that goes on for miles. A man you won't see in a stature of bronze. Just Hans of the southern isles" 

"Hi, Hans of the southern isles" responded Anna. "Hi, Anna of Arendelle" responded Hans. They went off somewhere to talk in private. 

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