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I'm so sorry for not updating sooner! Also thank you so much for over 500 reads!

Your POV
F/n and I were walking to class, talking about a sleep over she was planning. It was gonna be this weekend at her house. After hearing her rambling for a while, I blocked her out. Don't get me wrong I love f/n, but sometimes I want her to shut up.

"I think I should invite c/n and c/f/n to the sleepover." I choke on air.

"I'm sorry what?" F/n rolled her eyes.

"Well nothing's gonna happen if you don't do anything, so I'm gonna invite them." She had in a face that said don't push to. I just sighed and we walked through the door. I saw c/n and he waved at me. I smiled and blushed and waved back.

Time skip to the sleepover

F/n and I were sitting on her bed looking at old pictures of us. Some of them looked crazy.

"Oh my God f/n look at my hair." I pointed to the one with my hair sticking up in random spots.

"You look high." We laughed so hard, but we got interrupted by someone ringing the doorbell. F/n stood up to get it. A few seconds later the door opened to reveal c/n and c/f/n.

"Oh hi guys...I wasn't expecting to see you." I waved awkwardly.

"Look y/n, they decided to come after all." F/n said with a smug smile.

"Also, you." She pointed at me. "And you." She pointed at c/n. "Have to sleep in the guest bedroom since there's not enough room for all of us."

"Uhh okay." I tried to make it seem like it wasn't a big deal but it was.

"Alright, now let's look through the fifth grade yearbook."

Small time skip

"Guys it's two AM. I think we should go to bed now." F/n yawned and I rubbed my eyes. We all agreed that it was last so c/n and I went to the guest room.

"Umm y/n if you feel uncomfortable with me on the bed I can sleep on the floor." C/n scratched the back of his neck.

"OH no I don't mind. I mean it's okay." Wow that sounded desperate.

"Are you sure?" He looked into my e/c eyes, and I nodded my head.

"Alright." We both walked over and layed down. There wasn't much room so we were a few inches away from each other. It was like that for a while until c/n spoke up.

"Hey y/n?" I heard the nervousness in his voice.

"Yes c/n?" I turned to face him.

"Could I... could you... could we cuddle? If not that's totally fine I would understand." I blush and smile at him.

"Okay." I turned back and he pulled me to his chest. I felt his warm breath on my neck and shivers went down my spine.

"Is this okay?"

"Yeah it's fine." But I'm dying on the inside.
He pulled me closer and sighed softly. After a few minutes I heard quite snoring and I felt my eyes closing.

"Oh stand over there and take the picture. I'll get more from here." F/n what's happening? I opened my eyes to see f/n and c/f/n taking pictures of c/n and I. Before I say anything, c/n pulled me back to him.

"I... like... you...y/n...." C/n mumbles in his sleep. I blush and f/n and c/f/n run out of the room and lock the door. I looked back at c/n to see him waking up.

"Morning y/n."

"Morning c/n."



"Y/n why are you blushing?" That only made me blush more.

"It's nothing."

"Come on y/n you can tell me."

"Well...uhh you were talking in your sleep and uhh you said you like me."

"Oh that's because I do." I look over at him and blush again.

"So y/n I was wondering if you wanted to go out sometime." I smile at him.

"I would love to c/n."

Oh my God I'm so sorry about not updating sooner. But I was being lazy so I didn't feel like it. But thank you for reading ❤️~pizzaroll

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