Study Date

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Your POV
C/n and I were at his house studying for a test in algebra. I was really confused, but c/n being the amazing boyfriend he is, asked if I needed help. Now i was sitting on his bed, and he was in the floor.

"C/nnnnnn, I need help again." I still had no idea what I was doing.

"Y/n, how many times do I have to explain it to you?" He rolled his eyes.

"As many times until I understand it." I gave him my puppy dog eyes and said, " Please c/n."

"Ugh, you no I can't resist your puppy eyes y/n." I saw a smile form on his face.

"Fine. But this is the last time."

"Thanks c/n."

"Yeah yeah, anyways all you have to do is solve for x. Like in this problem 2x-2=4, all you have to do is add two which would get rid of negative two and add two to for. That would be six, and 2x divided by 2x is x and six divided by 2x is three. So my dear y/n, what does x equal?"

Dafug, I don't know. JK

"It's three." I smile, proud of myself.

"Good you understand it now right?"

"I uhh think so."

"Good, now study okay sweetheart."

"O-okay c/n." I hid my face in my book so he couldn't see me blush. I looked over at c/n too see a smug look on his face as he focused on the book. I just rolled my eyes and continued to study and solve for x.



"What now y/n." We had been studying in a peaceful silence for a while.

"I'm bored, let's cuddle for a few minutes."

"Y/n do you want to fail this test?" I looked over only too see her all comfy under the blankets. I sigh and walk over, knowing that I couldn't say no to her.

"How does this always end up happening when we study?" I asked as I lifted the blankets and layed under them.

"Because we always need a break from studying." She replied wrapping her arms around me. I pulled her closer and kissed her forehead.

"That's true I guess." We lay there in a peaceful silence again. It was about ten minutes until I get up.

"Nooooo, my warmth." I laughed at what y/n had said and walked over to grab my book.

"Hey y/n, how bout I make you a deal?"

"Okay, what is it?"

"For every question you answer, I'll give you a kiss." I smirk, knowing that she'll get her work done.


Hello(iS iT mE yOuR lOoKiNg FoR) I'm gonna stop now. Thank you for reading even though it sucks. ;-;

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