Rejected Part Two

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Third Person POV
Y/n felt her heart break into pieces. She ran as fast as her legs could carry her. But she eventually stopped to catch her breath, as she looked around where she was, y/n saw a small park not far from her. With a heavy heart she walked over and sat on the swings. Y/n swayed slightly because of the wind, this all felt a little cliche, a girl sad and heartbroken waiting for her crush to come and get her. Unfortunately, y/n knew that this wasn't the case.
As she was swinging, she heard someone calling for her.



"Y/n oh my God honey are you okay!? Oh I'm so sorry, I shouldn't have told you to do it. Come on we'll go back to my house and eat ice cream, or chocolate, or whatever you want. We could watch Netflix till five am if you want!" Not wanting to disagree, y/n stood up and walked with f/n to her house.


"And that's what happened." Y/n sniffled as she spoke, the sadness still not yet leaving her. She looked down at her ice cream not wanting to see f/n's reaction. Y/n didn't know why that bothered her, she had known f/n her whole life. They didn't keep any secrets from each other, they were practically sisters. Still y/n couldn't help but feel bad.

"Want me to kill him?"

"WHAT?! NO!"

"Well no one is allowed to do that to you okay. So you either let me kill him or I pull a prank on him that makes him so embarrassed that he changes schools and leaves forever. Which one would you prefer?" Y/n sighed softly and sh00k her head.

"I still like him even if he doesn't feel the same, so please don't kill him and as for a prank, what do you have in mind?"


"F/n I don't know if this is a good idea." Y/n said while shifting on one foot. F/n was putting up a bucket of pink paint on top of a door, while y/n put a banana exactly under the bucket.

"Well I know that this is a good idea, so it'll work out just fine. Now stop worrying and make sure the feathers are on the right spot, I don't need them falling on someone else." Y/n sighed before walking over and looking at the small bag of feathers. 'I think they look okay.' Y/n thought to herself.

"F/n the feathers look fine to me. Now can we please go, I don't want to get caught."

"Yeah yeah, stop worrying about it, I've got it all figured out. First, c/n will slip on the banana and hit his head on the door, which if I'm right, will release the bucket with the paint in it. Then the bucket will fall and while he's running to the bathroom to clean himself off, I'll unhook the bag of feathers and let them fall. So, what do you think?" Y/n thought it was a horrible idea, and she didn't want to hurt c/n, but she said nothing and nodded at f/n.

"Alright, now lets wait and act like we have nothing to do with this."

~time skip~

F/n and y/n waited for about fifteen minutes until they saw c/n. It was only then that y/n noticed how sad and heartbroken he looked, but once his gaze met hers, his demeanor was replaced with a smile and a wave of hope. Unfortunately for c/n he had no idea of the plan. Before y/n could stop him, h/n had bumped into the door, which caused the pink paint to spill all over her.

"EWW! WHAT IS THIS?!?" H/n had screamed extremely loudly which caught the attention of everybody standing in the hall. Y/n and f/n exchanged glances and f/n looked up to
the feathers before releasing the hook. The package of feathers bursted open making all the feathers land on h/n.

"AHH! EWW WHAT THE-" H/n choked on a feather. By now everyone was dying with laughter. H/n didn't know how ridiculous she looked, her hair was covered in paint and feathers and her makeup (which was caked on her face) had been smeared all over.

"HEY IT'S NOT FUNNY!" This only made people laugh more. Of course after that, h/n ran away into the bathroom. Everyone calmed down and continued on with their day. F/n walked over to y/n.

"Bro, I know our target was c/n, but that was the best thing EVER." F/n exclaimed, she had this crazy look in her eye.

"That's nice and all, but I have to go find c/n."

"You sure? Well good luck with that, I'm gonna go get rid of the evidence."

"Hey c/n." C/n jumped at the sound.

"Oh umm hey y/n."


'Well this is awkward' y/n thought.

"Listen y/n, I wanted to apologise for what happened, I didn't mean what I said and h/n told me if I told you how I felt that she would hurt you and I didn't want that to happen so I lied and I'm really sorry. And when she kissed me I kept trying to get her off of me but she wouldn't let go and I'm so sorry y/n I-"



"Shut up." And with that, y/n kissed him. It was so much better then she always thought it would be. She put everything into that kiss. Everything she ever felt, the random butterflies, the blush going across her cheeks, all of it. They eventually pulled away from the lack of air. Y/n rested her head on c/ns shoulder.

"Hey y/n?"

"Yes c/n?"

"I love you."

"I love you too."


YOOOOO THAT WAS OVER A THOUSAND WORDS. Thanks for reading 💜~pizzaroll

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 28, 2021 ⏰

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