The Fault In Our Stars (Part 2)

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One more chapter after this one. Sorry for the late update. I'll update ASAP.

I can't believe the triology is coming to an end <3 I originally just posted "One Night" as a one-shot and now look what it became. You guys are so awesome and supportive and I love that you all message me with kind words <3

Please go check out my new story This House is Not a Home. It's Scomiche and TroylerKevin and Avi are also in the story. :)

As always, please vote and comment <3 You guys are the best.


I drove down the interstate at lightspeed to get as far away from the lakehouse as possible. Every sanctuary I had was tainted and it was leaving me feeling alone. My chest heaved heavily as the car sped down the highway, almost feeling out of my control. My phone buzzed in my pocket, but I couldn’t answer. Tears started forming in my eyes as I realized what was happening.

I slowed and pulled off my exit before I pulled the car over completely. I started crying quietly to myself as the anxiety attack took full control over my body. I felt numbness washing over me as I sat there trying to gather my thoughts.

I grabbed my phone from my pocket and saw Scott calling me. I took a deep breath to calm myself and answered with a shaky “hello.”

“Mitch…” He started.

“I need you to fly out here.” I said, crying. There was no hiding it from him.

There was silence for a moment. “Okay, baby…” He sounded concerned. “Stay on the phone with me…”

“Please just come out…” I begged.

“I’m coming, honey. Just talk to me. What’s wrong? Tell me everything…”

“I feel awful, Scott!” I held my eyes as I started bawling.

“Why though? What happened?” His voice was sweet.

“Nothing…” I thought about Jamie. “Why is the universe trying to tear us apart? I don’t get why things can’t just be normal…”

“What are you talking about?”

“Our exes…”

“Babe everyone has ex drama.”

I just beat Jamie over the head with a rock. That’s not normal ex drama. I had Travis physically hurt me and threaten me in public. Alex was innocent, but that was about it. Scott didn’t get it.

“Not like this.” I said.

“Where are you?”

“Side of the highway.”

“Okay…go home…get into bed. I’ll be out there before you know it, okay?”

“Okay…” I said quietly.

“I love you.”

“I love you too.”

He hung up and I put the phone down on the passenger’s seat. My love was coming for me and then everything would be okay. At least, I prayed it would be.


I drove fast down the highway as I started to come up on Arlington’s exit. It had begun to rain but it was okay because I felt myself starting to calm down thinking that Scott could be there in only a couple of hours. As I drove along the highway a car started riding my ass, making me annoyed. I was going only five over the speed limit and he was getting angry, but there was no way to let him pass. I just kept doing what I was doing as he swerved to try and pass me multiple times. “Fuck. Off!” I hissed as we drove along.

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