Home Sweet Home

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Hey guys :)

So I started another story What Happens in Vegas! It revolves around the four men of PTX. Just the prologue is up right now and I'm hoping to have the new chapter up by tonight/tomorrow. I'll still be updating this as often as possible and work on more one-shots. 

I really do love writing for you guys and seeing your reactions in comments. Some of you make me laugh so much xD 

Please vote and comment as always <3 I'm hoping to update this by Thursday! 


Scott's POV

I don’t remember much from that night, but I do remember dancing wildly in the flashing lights with my two girls. The three of us were wasted and the night was coming to an end, even though we really didn’t want it to.

“God, that was awesome!” Kirstie yelled as we made our way down the street. Grace ran to her side and grabbed her hand and they swung their arms as they walked down the street talking. I stuck my hands in my pockets of my hoodie and walked a few feet behind them until we reached the center of town. “If the cops catch us we’re going to be in trouble…” Kirstie said, worried.

“Then don’t get caught!” Grace said, pulling us both into an alleyway. She lit a cigarette and rested against the wall. “I can’t believe you’re both leaving me soon…jerks.” She said, taking a puff.

“I’m scared.” Kirstie said, sighing. She’d been a mess since Steven mysteriously got arrested. I felt bad but at the same time I knew she wouldn’t get hurt now. Once the summer was over, she was moving to Oklahoma.

“I don’t know if I’m leaving yet.” I said, shooting Grace a look. They both stared at me.

“You know you got in, dumbie. I don’t get why you won’t open the letter.” Kirstie said.

I sighed sadly and shook my head. I applied for University of Southern California at the end of my junior year before Mitch’s suicide attempt and the admissions letter sat on my bureau since it came in the mail. I was too anxious to open it, because now I wasn’t sure what to do. Part of me wanted to start community college in Texas so I could stay close to Mitch, who was barely talking to me now that he was with Jamie, but another part of me wanted to run away to California so I could start over.

Grace narrowed her eyes at me and smirked. “Stop thinking about him, Scotty.” She said.

My eyes went wide. “About who?” I said, and she rolled her eyes at me as she threw her cigarette down and put it out with her foot.

“You know who.” She said, walking past us and out of the alley. Kirstie raised an eyebrow at me and I turned to follow around Grace. Kirstie came to my side and grabbed my hand.

“I didn’t tell her.” She said.

“I know.” I sighed. “I guess it’s kind of obvious.”

“Well, yeah!” Kirstie said as if it were obvious. I sighed as we kept walking.


I lay on Grace’s couch while she paid the pizza man. Once she did, she laid the box on the coffee table and opened it up so it’d cool off. “Hungry?” She asked.

“Nah.” I said, turning onto my side. She sat next to my legs and looked over at me.

“Why are you still hung up on him?” She asked.

Love Is Dangerous (Book 3 of 4) (Scomiche)Where stories live. Discover now