Love Is Dangerous

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Long chapter for you guys. :) Please message me with one-shot requests!

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Scott’s POV

I can’t even choose a word to explain what it’s like being in bed with Mitch. There are so many words to describe everything I feel from the time we lay down at night until we finally wake up in the morning. I didn’t sleep much, so I usually found myself awake before him. I’d just lay there and stare at his perfect face while he slept on. I loved the way he’d make little noises if he were dreaming. I was always worried that he was having nightmares, because honestly that’s all Mitch really ever had, but he said it was okay because I was there to protect him. He’d hide his face in my chest if the nightmare became intense. I loved it, honestly. I’d hold him there and whisper to him even though I know he wouldn’t remember it in the morning. I’d kiss his face until the nightmare stopped. When he was sleeping peacefully we’d lay there in silence and I would take in the feeling of his warm skin against mine, the way he smelled, the way he always had to have a hand on me whenever he slept, the way he’d smile when I kissed him on the cheek or the forehead. I forever had a smile on my face in these moments. The only term I can come up with to describe it is true love.

Some people argue that maybe it doesn’t exist but in these moments I’m completely convinced otherwise. Mitch is my one true love; he’s the one I’m going to spend the rest of my life with.


His voice was intoxicating as well. Especially when he sang. Everytime he did my jaw was on the floor and he was undoubtedly one of the greatest singers I’ve ever met. I was his number one fan.


“Hmm?” I hummed. Wait…we were in bed. Did I wake him up? “What?” I asked out loud.

“You’re drooling.” He laughed.

I opened my eyes and saw him laying half on top of me with a smile on his face. I immediately wiped my mouth on the sleeve of my t-shirt. “Ew!” I said and he laughed harder. “Ew, I’m ugly!”

He rolled over and covered his eyes as he laughed harder. His giggle was contagious. I started laughing and brought the collar of my gray t-shirt up to cover my face. I felt him climb back onto my good side to look down at me. I poked my eyes out from inside of my shirt to see his eyes were still teary from laughing. “You definitely are not.” He leaned down to kiss me between my eyebrows. “You’re so handsome!”

I giggled. “Thanks, baby.” I dropped my t-shirt back to where it should be and peeked down at my belly. The stitches were still there and they looked intense, like a barbed wire fence. It didn’t hurt as much anymore unless I moved wrong, so it was getting better. We left Texas three weeks ago and decided we weren’t going to look back for a  while.

Since we’ve gotten home we’ve been planning our wedding. It was harder than I had thought, really. I was definitely ready to marry him now, though, especially after my incident. Steven was arrested and put into jail for attempted murder. Three weeks ago I was freaking out about the wedding but now it seemed like everything had happened for a reason. Now I was more than ready.


The batista brewed our coffees and we sat at a table to wait. It was early in the morning, which was foreign to either of us unless we had to get up early for a video shoot. Both of us were feeling good today.

“How about we have a little party?” Mitch asked.

“Feeling social?” I raised an eyebrow at him and he shot me a look.

Love Is Dangerous (Book 3 of 4) (Scomiche)Where stories live. Discover now