Burying the Past

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Suffering from a bit of writer's block these past couple of days, but I'm slowly coming out of it. The next update will be meatier! (I'll update tomorrow!)

Please send me requests for one-shots! PTX related anything, whether it be Scomiche or not. I love you guys somaj <3 your comments and votes make my day! Enjoy!

Also - did you guys do the #AskSuperfruit Q&A? I hope I get my question on their vid :x I'd scream and pass out. Okay I'm done. Here's the chapter <3


What the hell was I even supposed to tell Scott?

Tell him the truth.

I shook my head at the thought and paced back and forth as I thought about everything. As far as I knew Alex knew nothing about who Jamie was, but Scott could have told him while they were still together. Maybe he was just messing with me?

Scott’s an 11 and Jamie’s solid 6. Alex wouldn’t jump down that far.

I put my hands on my head in frustration. I stared through at my steam covered mirror and rubbed the condensation off to get a glimpse at myself. I trimmed my scraggly beard so it was presentable and tweezed my eyebrows. I couldn’t let this ruin anything. I was sick of drama!

I put on a tank top and skinny jeans and headed into the living room. “COFFEE” was scribbled on the board again, so while he was out, I stepped out onto the porch in my cateye sunglasses to get some air. I could definitely ignore this little…situation…for a while. It wasn’t effecting anyone’s lives…yet.

My phone buzzed.

Avi: hey Mitchie.

Mitch: Hi Avi <3

Avi: So…Sarah and I broke up :\

I put a hand to my chest and sighed sadly. Sarah was furious when she found out about Avi and Kirstie even though everything had happened before their relationship. Things hadn’t been the same since I gues…

Mitch: I’m so sorry :( if you need anything I’m here for you <3

Avi: Maybe the five of us can go out tonight? Get some drinks? Kirstie can have soda.

I laughed at the cute gesture and smiled to myself. A night out with my family was just what the doctor ordered.


The five of us sat at the bar, laughing hysterically while Scott told us about his awkward fan interaction in Starbucks.

“She put her arm around my waist for the picture and I’m not even lying…she slid her hand across my ass. Like, not slid, but like…she knows my ass now.” He explained, trying to refrain from shuddering.

“I’ll kill the bitch.” I said through my laughter.

Avi’s spirits were raised and he was smiling almost the entire night. Kirstie sat by him and talked to him quietly for a good portion of the night. I kind of secretly hoped that they would get together, but she was carrying another man’s baby. Who knows though, right?

Scott ran his fingers lightly along my thigh under the table. I smiled over at him and he leaned over to give me a quick kiss on the cheek. “Having fun?”

“Yes.” I smiled and leaned up to kiss him lightly on the lips.

“Get married already…” Kevin whispered from his seat down the bar from us and the other three started laughing.

“No! Slow down!” Kirstie yelled playfully and hit Kevin lightly in the arm. She glanced over at us. “No getting married until you’re 30.”

Love Is Dangerous (Book 3 of 4) (Scomiche)Where stories live. Discover now