Coming Out

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Long update. I'll try to have the next chapter up within the next couple of days for y'all :) 


I'm freaking. OUT. I fangirled so hard earlier and people were looking at me like I was nuts.

Okay,'s the chapter :) enjoy <333 please vote and comment!!! Love you guys somajjjj <3


Mitch’s POV

Alex stayed at our apartment for a couple of days before he could sneak back over to he and Jamie’s apartment and get his stuff out. I sat at the end of the couch next to his body while he lay down on our couch.

“I still don’t understand.” He said for the fourth time in the past few days he’d been here.

“I’m sorry this all happened to you.” I sighed. “They were just trying to get to me.”

Alex was angry at everything right now. First his family screwed him over and Scott broke up with him because of it, and now this. I felt terrible for him. He’d always been a good friend to me and here I was feeling like I was ruining his life.

He turned onto his side and shut his eyes, ending the short conversation. I looked around for Scott, but I knew he was lying down in his bedroom. Having Alex here was more than awkward for the both of them.

I got up and walked into the bedroom, shutting the door halfway behind us. Scott laid on his bed with his arms over his eyes and looked over to me as I entered the bedroom.

Scott’s POV

Why did Mitch have to be so nice? I offered to pay for Alex’s hotel room until he could get another place, but Mitch let him stay here. The place where I broke up with him and the place where I was now in love with someone else…

I put my arms on my eyes in annoyance and heard Mitch come into the room. He climbed on the bed next to me and pulled my arms off of my eyes. I squinted up at him before rubbing my eyes and sitting up.

“I’m going to give Alex my bed until he gets on his feet.” He said.

Great, he was going to give Alex his bed…the bed where we had our first kiss…

“Stop looking so angry!” He kept his voice down but was scolding me nonetheless. “We can’t just kick him out when this is all…” He stopped and shut his eyes.

“All what?” I asked.

He groaned and rubbed his eyes with his hands. “This is all my fault.” He said.

“What? This isn’t your fault! Why would you say that?”

“You’re with me now and then Jamie was only with him to get to me!” He sighed in frustration. “He’s probably secretly plotting my death or something!”

I rolled my eyes and pulled him on top of me. “Stop being so paranoid.” I said, rubbing my fingers through his soft beard. He sighed and looked into my eyes sadly. “Alex is a good guy.”

“Maybe you should go talk to him.” He said suddenly.

I really didn’t want to. Everytime I was around him I just felt bad. And the fact that Alex was trying to be so good about all of this was making it even harder. I loved Mitch, I knew I did, but there was still something lingering and being around him might make it come back…

“That guy’s staring at you.”

I jumped when Kirstie appeared at my side. I was standing at the catering table making a plate for myself, trying to distract myself from the stress of having to do an interview. Pentatonix was on the map now and we were here to stay, and we had to let the world know. That was a lot of pressure for one interview.

Love Is Dangerous (Book 3 of 4) (Scomiche)Where stories live. Discover now