The Princess of Wedgemore

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 *A few days later*

“Easy, tiger” The Prince heard his mother warning as he held the big sword in his hands, to put it around his waist.

He was getting ready for the so much talked royal feast, in the huge and now, back to the amazing, castle of Stonegate.

“I am fine, mother”

“You are still not recovered, why are you so stubborn?”

“I am not, I am just tired of being quiet all these days…” He looked down “And then I have this beautiful lady who makes me crazy and… ugh”

The queen smiled “Do not mess things up, son. I know how… needy… you can be”

The Prince frowned “Right… what?! Oh please, do you know what did I got all these months?”

His mother laughed as Thomas entered the room “A self massage?!”

“Oh, shut up, will you? Has everyone taken the day off to mess with me?”

Thomas smiled, handsomely wearing his captain new attire, using his father’s colors: Blue, black and white.

“I just took a glimpse of your Princess room, she is incredibly beautiful. And making all the other ladies quite jealous, in every way”

The Prince finally showed a smile, looking at Thomas. “How have you held yourself up, friend?”

He looked down, before showing him a smile “I will be just fine”

“Why do you not get yourself a Princess? Many would fall in your arms, you would have a big amount to choose” he chuckled, turning to give his mother a kiss

“Woah, I thought I would never hear those words coming from you. Normally it would be… uh ‘Want to join me in Juliet’s brothel near the northern cascades?'”

The Prince shared a loud laugh “Those were fun times, Thomas.” He smiled

“Of course they were” Queen Beatrix rolled her eyes

“But now I have the most beautiful Princess from all the kingdoms. And I will not blow that up” The Prince smiled

“You look so handsome, tonight” The Queen kissed her son’s cheek

“I can only thank the most beautiful mother in this world” He smiled, walking away “I will see you soon, I am going to meet my Princess”

“Well, hurry up, the entire kingdom is already downstairs for the royal feast”

On another royal room, Princess Diana was just finished getting ready. And she was starting to get grumpy.

She was not used to these kind of festivities and she suspected she would never be.

All the women in the world were already gathering their things to leave and only one was finishing working on Diana’s hair.

“Oh, Prince Robert!” One young woman excitedly said

“Hello, ladies, is my Princess ready? There is somewhere we need to be”

The women shared a giggle, which annoyed Diana. She had noticed the last few days how every single lady would sigh or nervously laugh around him, and she couldn’t help but be bothered by it.

“Yes, Princess Diana is ready” The woman finally let go of her hair, allowing Diana to stand up and turn to her amazingly handsome Prince. She had always noticed that, being the famous intimidating Prince, he opted to normally wear black and golden clothes, only occasionally, a little bit of white by showing his buttoned royal shirts. He didn’t usually diversify in colors that much, she would see grey in his silver fighting armor sometimes. And despite everything, and all kinds of attires he used in those colors, she always found him perfect.

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