sixty seven

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"Come on," Brad tugs on my hand as the bell rings, signalling the end of the day. "I have to take you on a date to Den's, like I promised on Friday."

I smile, following after him. He's like an excited child on Christmas.

When we get to his car, we get in quickly before anyone—mostly Aiden's followers—spots us together. He drives off as soon as our seatbelts are on.

His hand reaches out to mine and I smile, taking it as our fingers lace together, resting on my thigh.

"How was your day?" I ask. We could sit in silence the entire way and it would be so comfortable. We know that we're not going to see each other much outside of school anymore so we're making the most of it.

"It was amazing," he says honestly. "I got to hang out with this super cute girl at lunch and I just wanted to kiss her so badly but she's engaged apparently."

My cheeks flush red.

"How was your day, babe?"

"Also amazing," I smile over to him and he squeezes my hand. "I'm just glad we're spending time together again."

"Me too," he nods. "I can't wait for this to all be over and then we can hang out all of the time. I've decided we're going to get a house together."

My cheeks burn even more. "Yeah?"

"Yeah," he affirms. "And you'll get to choose it, since I don't really mind. And we'll have loads of pets and maybe a kid when we're older."

"That sounds really nice," I smile, my heart beating fast at the thought.

I know I want that with Brad, and that's why I hope we can find someone else for Aiden to marry sooner rather than later.

"Aiden wants the wedding to happen in July," I frown and Brad glances over to me with a frown. "I told him I wanted to wait a while but I think he wants it to be over and done with."

"That's straight after exams," Brad says, shaking his head. "No, it's too soon. We still need to find a way to get out of this."

I squeeze his hand, placing my other one over his. "We will, don't worry. I know we will." I see his lips purse and his eyebrows furrow. "Don't stress, Brad. Let's just get through tonight, first."

He nods slowly. After ten more minutes of silence, we finally reach Den's Diner and I smile. I'm really gonna miss this place if it ends up shutting down.

Brad and I walk close by each other, aware that I'm meant to be engaged still and we shouldn't even be here together.

I spot Luna cleaning up some plates off of a table, watching her face turn to the door as Brad and I walk in, ringing the bell above the door.

"Jamie? What are you doing here?" She asks, putting the plates down quickly.

"Brad and I are gonna stay here for a bit," I smile, and Brad's arm is soon swung over my shoulder.

"That's great," she says, glancing at Brad with a tight smile. "But you probably don't want to be here right now."

"Why not?"

"Considering your circumstances," she says, her eyes flickering back to the supply cupboard. I frown, following her gaze to the open doorway. "It's probably in your best best interest that you leave."

My frown deepens. "Why? Is there something wrong?"

"For me, no," she shakes her head and lets out a sigh. "He's here, that's all."

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