The meet and Greet // Mav Baker

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Imagine for @tatia1996

I was so excited. It was finally the day of the meet and greet and I could not wait to meet Cash and Mav. I was getting hungry and we still had like 3 hours to kill so me and my friend decided on McDonald's. When we pulled up at McDonald's I noticed a familiar looking car. 'No it can't be. It probably not' I thought to myself and opened the door to go inside. I went to order and accidentally, being the clumsy person I am, bumped into someone. And of course they landed on top of me. I was so embarrassed. My friend was laughing at me as usual. The person got off of me and helped me up. I looked at him. It was THE Maverick Baker. I couldn't believe it. "I am so sorry" I said to him as calmly as possible so he couldn't tell I was having a heart attack on the inside. "No don't be. It was my fault. I wasn't paying attention." He laughed slightly and I smiled at him and found a table. Of course I found the table right next to him. My friend brought our food to the table and smirked at me. I rolled my eyes at her and then I heard Cash and Mav talking. I decided to eavesdrop on the conversation since I was a nosey person. "Looks like somebody has a crush" Cash said and winked at Mav. "Shut up I do not" he said kind of defendently. All I could think about was that Maverick Baker had a crush on ME!!

After we finished eating we left to go to the meet and greet. Surprisingly Cash and Mav were already there. I guess I didn't notice they had left. I also happen to notice that we were the only ones there so far as the meet and greet didn't start for another hour. I saw Cash and Mav sitting on their phones. They didn't seem to notice us yet until my clumsy self tripped over the step and almost fell and my friend started laughing at me. Mav looked up at me and smiled then went behind the curtain. Which I was assuming were security was. When he came out he whispered something in cash's ear. They both started walking towards us. "Would you like to hang out for a bit?" Mav shyly asked which I found extremely cute. I smiled at him and said sure. We sat down and were talking a bit while my friend and Cash were on their phones being anti social. Finally the meet and greet ended. Which I honestly didn't even know started. Turns out me and my friend had been taking pictures with fans as well. I was kind of sad to leave them but I had to. Me and my friend started driving back home. It was a very long 6 hour drive so I was getting prepared. I pulled my phone out of my hoodie pocket and a piece of paper fell out. I picked up the paper and opened it. It said Mavs number on it and his name with a little heart. Underneath his number said call me. I called him and we talked until we pulled up in my driveway. And that's how me and Maverick Baker started dating.

I'm actually slightly proud of this one. This one was so much easier to write since she wrote it for me and I just modified it a bit. Anyways I just hope you enjoyed it. Thank you for the request.

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