My angel part 2

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It was months later after my mom's death. Dad had went mentally insane and was put in an asylum. I was in that house alone. Nobody but me. On that lonely street. In that lonely house. In Kentucky. By myself. And I was scared.

It all started the night after mom died. I heard voices in the walls. Footsteps on the stairs. Doors opening and closing. Running water. And things were moving around the room. Dad was slowly losing it. Even if it was just one day. He saw his wife kill herself. I would lose it too. All that stuff stopped after dad got taken away. No more voices, footsteps, water, nothing. No moving or anything. All I heard was desperate screams filling my head. Screams of my mother who just needed help. And it was driving me insane. I rolled over on my bed. Tears filling my eyes. Dripping onto my pillowcase. I blinked. 1,2,3 I heard whispering in my ear. I blinked again. An image of my mother appeared in front of me. A gun held to her head. She whispered "time" before she vanished into thin air. I screamed and fell off the bed. I backed myself against the wall. Buried my head in my knees. Tears flowing down my face and they just kept coming. I grabbed my phone. 3:45 am. I called cash. No answer. I left a message. 'Cash please come get me. I can't take it anymore. It's driving me crazy. I need help' I was truly and completely alone. The voices were back. The footsteps and doors. Water. It was all back.

And my mom came with it.

The next morning I woke up on the floor. Everything that had happened the previous night was such a blur to me now. Like my memories had been erased. My phone rang. It was cash. I answered the phone. "Ali are you okay?" I sigh. "I it's hard to explain please just come get me." My voice was shaky and I was crying. I was paranoid. I knew my mom would come back. I knew she would. And it wouldn't be long.

A few hours later cash was there. I ran outside to the car and got in. We left pretty quickly and I explained the story on the way. We arrived at their house and I got out and went in. Lani and Mav wasn't there, they had went to one of lanis modeling gigs. I curled up in a ball and started crying. Still so confused about what I saw. What did she mean time? Cash wrapped his arms around me. I just sat there for a while. It felt good to feel protected. Like nothing would ever hurt me again. And he wouldn't let it.

It was about 2 years later. My mom was gone. I knew this. But now my dad was gone too. He had took his life on the asylum. He said voices spoke to him. Told him to do it. And he listened. Lani and mav moved out to LA. Now it was just me and cash. I wasn't complaining though. He was all I needed. I hasn't seen my m.since that night in the house. I hadn't heard anything weird. No voices. No anything. Until tonight.

I was laying In bed next to cash. I heard a noise from downstairs. I jumped up, or tried. I couldn't move. I heard screaming and crying and saw a figure at the end of the bed. It was coming closer. I tried screaming but no noise came out of my mouth. I tried moving away but I couldn't. I was frozen. Now all I could do was let it happen. I heard a gun shot. And the figure was gone from the foot. I looked beside me on the floor. It was my mom. She reached out towards me. "Your running out of time" she mumbled to me. And she screamed. She screamed so loud it hurt my ears. I shot up out of bed. This time I could move. I started breathing heavy. Like I was having a panic attack. Cash woke up "calm down. Your okay. Just breathe" he wrapped his arms around my waist and I leaned into him. A little while later. I spoke up. "It it was so scary. I I saw my mom, she screamed at me and mumbled something about time and and I couldn't move but I was awake and" he shushed me. "Its okay now, I won't let it hurt you I promise." Eventually I must have went back to sleep because the next time I woke up it was morning.

For years I saw nothing else. No more figures. Anything. And I was happy. Happy for things to be back to normal.

Ah sleep paralysis. What a wonderful thing. I'm kidding. It's actually terrifying. I know from experience. Anyways hope you enjoyed.

Love y'all!!

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