And the best birthday present will always be him // Cash Baker

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Imagine for @Hannah122708

First off. I'm so sorry I'm late with this. I was sick all last week and didn't feel like writing and I finally have some free time now so here we go.

It was my birthday.  March 15th. My mom was throwing me a huge party since my friends from Oklahoma are coming. I haven't seen them in years since Lani became a model and landed an acting job on deal or no deal. It was now almost 3:30. My party was at 4 so I had about 30 minutes to spare. I had an idea. I quickly put on my black ankle cut leggings, cropped hoodie and my uggs and walked down to the shopping center a couple blocks away. I texted Lani to see if she was free before the party and luckily she was. Only problem. He had to come too. And by he and mean cash. It's not like I hated him. It's just. I hated him. He had always kind of bullied me when we were kids. Mom said it was because he liked me but I didn't think so. I tried to shrug it off and ignore him. I focused on Lani and the stores until she found some of her old friends. Some girls I had recently had a fight with and didn't want to get involved with them. I turned the other way to go into forever 21. Now having to avoid those girls and him. This did not make my job easy. After a while I got lonely and bored so I decided maybe I should talk to Cash. I think he noticed the tone in my voice because he stopped talking to me.  It was silent for a while until cash started acting stupid and I couldn't help but laugh. Eventually we started talking and turned out he was pretty cool. I actually kind of liked him. I brought up the question. "Why do you hate me?" He looked surprised I asked that. "Hate you? I don't hate you" now I was shocked. "But when we were little you always made fun of me and laughed at me." He smiled and then started laughing. "I never hated you Einstein. I liked you. I thought you figured that out." I felt stupid. This whole time I thought he hated me. I smiled at him. "Well, maybe I like you too" he smiled back at me and grabbed my hand from under the table. I blushed but quickly turned away. Lani walked up behind us. "Whatcha doing?" She said which made me jump. I quickly let go of cash's hand. "N-nothing" I said a little too quickly. She walked in front of us. "Mhmm" she looked back at cash and winked. Pretending I didn't see that, I shrugged it off. Lani. I should have known this was a plan to get me to like him. I love her but I swear she needs to stop meddling in my life. "Now come on silly, you don't wanna be late to your own party now do you?" I laughed at her and rolled my eyes. That year, I got so many amazing presents. But my favorite one was the one Lani gave to me. And that was him.

I changed the plot a little bit. Oops. Sorry not sorry. I thought that this would be cuter. I hope that's okay. If not just dm me and I'll rewrite it. Thanks for the amazing request. I definitely enjoyed writing this one.

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