Christmas with you// Cash Baker

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"Wake up y/n" I groan and turn over. Cash started shaking me and I whisper yelled at him. "What do you want it's like 5 in the morning" he smiles at me. I smile back bc his smile is literally the cutest thing ever. "It's Christmas babe. Time to wake up" I laugh and pull the covers over me again. "It's time to sleep Cash. We can open presents later" he sighs but agrees and lays back down. Putting his arm around me and burying his head into my neck. A few hours later I wake up. Cash was already awake on his phone. "What time is it?" He looks at me and shows me the time on his phone. I don't know why he didn't just tell me but okay. I didn't question. I start to get up. "Where are you going?" He asks me. I smile "its  Christmas babe. Time to open presents" he laughs at what I said since he had said the exact thing a few hours earlier. We went downstairs and everyone else was already awake. We all opened presents and of course I had to save mine from him for last. I opened it carefully. I looked at the jewelry box in my hands. Then at him. He smiles as at me. I opened it and I started crying. I got up and hugged him as tight as I could. It was a gold rose necklace. One I had seen at the mall a few months ago. I can't believe he remembered. He put it on me and then turned me around. I was confused at first until he pressed his lips onto mine. Best Christmas ever.

Hello loves. Im active? Shocker. But uh sorry for being nonexistent for a bit. I kinda forgot about this book. Oops. But it's okay now because I've updated hehe. I figured I would write Christmas related things since it's like December 8th.

Merry Christmas! Happy Hanukkah! Happy holidays! I love yall and please be extra careful through vacation or whatever you are doing. It's a crazy time of year.

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