Segment 168

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Dear Readers,
Happy new year
His point of view -
I am getting the boys ready for school. J.J is going to nursery while Junior will go to playgroup.
Its been a few weeks after Pie 's appointment and Pie has been having a tough time. We had gone back to Chanu and she recommended taking it easy. We decided to send the boys to school to help Pie relax a little bit more and so far its been working good.
I was finally able to talk sense into J.J when we told him about the baby. He thought we were going to replace Junior with the new baby and he was livid. I finally got him to calm down and explained to him that Junior would stay and that we will get a new baby. But that dosen't mean old one has to go. I also explained to him how he was the eldest so he had responsibilities towards the other two. I think he understood not so sure though. Since then he decided to sleep with Junior in his bed and would still look at me suspiciously every now and then.
Birdie and Captain are doing great. They are preparing for their wedding. The house is almost done. I can't believe my sister is so grown up though.
John is still head over heels in love with bhabhi. They have been helping a lot with the boys though on the days Pie has it rough.
Dad is getting old and lonely so we are suggesting him to look for someone again. Get married again. Papa and mom keep teasing him about it.
This year has been a good to me and the new year will be better because I am going to meet my daughter.
I can't wait.

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