Segment 149

44 5 6

His point of view -
Pie was still asleep when we got back.
I heated  her breakfast up  before  letting the kids on the bed allowing them to wake her up .
Both jumped on her and settled themselves around her.
My boys were big cuddlers a habbit they picked up from their mother.
"Good morning love.."
"Good morning.." she replied pulling them close to her and giving them each a kiss..
"Dex... "
"Does J.J feel unusually warm to you or is it just me..?" She asked
I rounded the bed towards her side before taking J.J into my arms he was slowly start to heat up.
"I'll get the thermometer..wht don't you pull a blanket over him.."
The thermometer stated that J.J had a fever of 101.
Pie was really upset after we established the fact that it was her who had put J.J down last night and she had completely forgotten about the window.
The icing on the cake junior was whimpering too clearly sensing to of his favourite person.
I sighed before glancing at the clock.. It was around 10 and Pie had a meeting at 11.
"Baby get dressed its 10 you have to be at the office by 11 "
"But J.J " she argued
" I can work from home today.."
"Are you sure ..? I can reschedule.."
"Hey.. its alright .. he is my responsibility too.. i will be on daddy duty today.."
She sighed before handing J.J to me and kissing my cheeks.. " thank you baby .."
I tried to feed J.J some breakfast but he won't have it so i switched to his bottle with warm milk.
She finished her breakfast and rushed to the bathroom to get dressed.
I took the boys to their room while dialing my to go person.
"What did you do now..?"mom sighed
"Well...good morning to you too..".
" how is my daughter in law and my grand children..?"
"Does anybody care about me or not .?"
"No.. we know till She is there you will be fine.. but can't say the same for her ."
"Stop giving my son a hard time " dad yelled from behind her as they both burst out laughing.
"Okay on a serious note J.J has 101 fever .. should i be panicking..?"
"Oh no.. its normal for babies..with climate change and all.. just call his pediatrician and talk to her..."
"Hmm alright.. thanks mom.."
"And yea give my regards to Pie and the kids "
"Haan meri toh koi value hi nai hai.."

Pie was all dressed and ready to go..
" Should i put him to bed..? What about the medicine..?" She asked rechecking her purse..
"Yea i will call up Dr. Shanaya and talk to them and if needed book an appointment" i reassured her..
She kissed and the boys before heading out of the door yelling bye.
I called up my secreatry and asked him to send in all the files home before dialling up Dr. Shanaya..
Yea i had a male secreatry now because my dear wife fired the other one.
Apparently she showed too much skin.
His best friend's point of view -
"Yes princess.."
" I dont want to drink milk.." titli pouted while the twins giggled.
They knew i was a sucker for her pouts..
She would pout and i would get the freaking moon for her..
"Oh no no.. you are going to drink it..and you get ready its time for school.." she scolds .
"Good morning baby.."
"Good morning dear .. here is your coffee.."
"Thank you.." i said giving her a quick hug and going up to change in my boring suit.
I wonder why do business men have to wear suits.
Its such a stereotype..
I can rock ripped jeans and tshirts just fine..
And i am sure they would look great for a meeting.

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