Chapter 20 - Who's Jodie Stallsworth?

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Chapter 20 - Who's Jodie Stallsworth?




I sigh, completely exhausted from having a 2 hour talk with Tom and an hour talk with Donna. Donna's my therapist, I know I said something about her for a tiny moment, but she's my therapist—Err WAS my therapist.

Mom thought I had some serious..angst and internal mind issues that she got me a therapist sophomore year. She was cool, understood my embarrassment when my parents embarrassed me, and she gives good ass advice!

...So I HAD to fucking call her after 2 years to talk about... Nathan and last night.

I don't remember much... I know that I had about... 2 shots and the rest is a fucking mystery. I KNOW I had more than 2 shots because we finished the bottle, I woke up with him next to me, my bathroom smelt like puke and I threw up AGAIN... Nathan couldn't remember a lot...and I checked my body to seeifIwastillavirgin AND I AM!

I unscrew the cap to my Nutella jar and I dip my spoon into it, trying to get a decently good size scoop. I pop the spoon in my mouth and it takes me a second with it because it's a lot.

I told Tom what happened, he was completely unhelpful and made me feel MORE worse. Cooing and being excited for me and shit when NOBODY should feel excited for me, I could've fucking kissed him for all I know, WE could've done shit!

THINK about it! We DON'T remember anything and he just winds up in my bed? What the hell!

I tell Donna, giving her the WHOOOLLE backstory bitch and thinks that Nathan and I are becoming pretty close and comfortable with each other to the point, he likes me because he kissed me, and I like him because... I dunno, apparently I do. I told her oops, gotta go, and she tells me that I need to accept it.

Accept what exactly. My feelings?

I don't need a relationship right now, nor do I want one. I don't like Nathan, the kid gives me a headache and anxiety, WHY would I like someone like him. I don't have commitment issues... I think.


I dip more spoon back in the jar and I pop in it my mouth before taking my phone off from my lamp table. My heart starts to fucking go crazy, reading the contact name of the person who likes texting me.

Nathan: what the hell was in that tequila bottle? i STILL feel like shit and its only 3 in the afternoon.

I reply back: 'Mt but I have food so I feel pretty good'


Nathan: what're you eating 0.0 feed me

I smirk and lie back on my bed, leaving the spoon in my mouth as I tap the keyboard. 'no F off, im eating Nutella and nobody touches my Nutella but me'

Nathan: PLEASE. An exception.  :p For me. I know where you live

'I dare you'

Nathan: k ill be there in about 3 minutes to steal ur Nutella away cuz ur an evil girl


Looks like you guys are getting pretty close.

My smirk drops and I realize what I'm doing. Look at me! I'm more into texting Nathan than EATING! GAH WHAT HAS THIS WORLD COME TO?!

I was such a happy kid! My first words were la la, what the fuck happened?

Life is what happened.

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