Chapter 7 - A Game To Forget

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Chapter 7 - A Game To Forget

"Charlie." Still sleepy, I slowly open my eyes to see Mom standing in the middle of the doorway in her professional attire. I shut my eyes. "I want you to go to Walmart, the list is on the counter."

"Why can't Peyton?" I murmur into my pillow.

"Shes in class. Kinda like how you should be in one too." Hey, hey, hey. I have family over, I can't be disrespectful and just GO to school, come on now.

"Why can't Aunt Clementine?"

"She went out shopping and we're gonna go drinking after my class."

"Can I not go?"

"And bring Scylla."

I whimper and throw my blanket over my head. Don't get me wrong, I don't hate Scylla, I love the girl, but I need a break from her.

"Charlie be nice to her, shes your cousin!"

"I'll buy the little shit a gumball."

"No! And don't call her that, just spend some time with her! She's waiting downstairs for you, so get up—oh and take your father's car, he decided to take an Uber."

"But-" My door closes. What senior wakes up at 9am on a Friday morning with clear intentions in ditching school! Uuuuggghhhh.

Groaning, I literally roll off my bed and hit the carpet with a soft thud.

Step 1 done.

I go into the bathroom, do my thang, I change into something comfortable, I notice Chumps is missing from his bed so that is a thought, I jog downstairs and aha, there's Chumps eating his at food that Scylla shook in a bowl for him.

"You look tired." Scylla smirks. I ignore her comment and snatch the list and Dad's keys to his Nissan off the counter. "What time do you usually get up?"

"After the sun goes down, lets go."

We go outside and get into Dad's car. So not feeling the warmth right now because this isn't myyy car, but once I get my own, the first thing I'm going to do is turn on the radio and if the first thing that comes on is a female voice or make voice, then my car is that gender.

Whatever the band or musician is, that's my car's name.

Its weird, but I don't give a shit. It's fun.

"Enough about me." Scylla blurts out randomly. We weren't even talking, it was quiet in car soo I don't know what she's talking about. "What about you? You can not possibly tell me that you have no crushes or boyfriends."

"I have no crushes or boyfriends." I say flatly, staring at the green light until I pass it.

"What's wrong with the boys at your school?"

"The guys there are alright, complete nobodies, but then theres the other side of the boy population called the Dirty Satans. See, the Dirty Satans are dirty dirty boys who always sleeps with different boys and girls all the time, they're obnoxious and irritating, they're jocks, and they're complete idiots. Following?"


"Good because that's all I have to say." I don't understand why it's so surprising that someone is single and isn't interested in boys right now. Like holy shit, do I need to constantly be liking someone to have the full high school experience?

Fuck no! I'm going to college, I don't have time for any boys.

Ohhh myy gooood Walmart is PACKED! God, too many people come to fucking Walmart, like go to Raleys! Now I have to fucking search for a shit parking spot in the back—nope! Found one in the front and now I have secured it.

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