Chapter Forty-Three- The Mission

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Harry felt his stomach drop as the group stared up at the huge house in front of them.

"He's here," he said quietly. 

Pansy relaxed slightly. "Thank god."

"I don't know where in there exactly though."

"That's okay. We're gonna find him."

Harry focused on the bond, and was shocked to find nothing but pain.

"They're hurting him!" he cried, pulling out of the bond. "We need to find him. Now."

Without any further instruction, the group ran forward to find their missing member.


Harry's head was pounding, Draco's pain pounding against the walls of his head. He could see the strings without focusing anymore, the loose strings winding around physical object around him.

Draco, he thought. Draco, we're here, we're coming for you.

I can't....

Draco, hold on. I'm serious. We're coming to get you.

Harry, I love you.

Harry froze in shock. The words were the most clear thing he had heard from Draco, as Draco's voice had been tired and pain-ridden. These words were clear and sure, and rang though Harry's head a million times before he finally answered.

Draco, we're coming to get you.

I love you.

This isn't goodbye, Draco.

Tell me you love me too. 

I won't, Draco. We're coming to get you.

He got no response.

"We need to find him, now," he said, voice desperate.

Blaise shot him a worried look. "What did he say?"

"Just find him."

They came across an upstairs room, and upon opening the door, saw Narcissa Malfoy bound and gagged on the floor.

"Oh god," Pansy whispered, rushing to untie her.

"Basement," Narcissa said the second the gag was away from her mouth. "He's in the basement."

Harry, Felix and Blaise wasted no time immediately turning away and sprinting down the stairs.

Harry watched the strings fade slowly as he ran.

No, no, no, he thought. Draco, stay alive, please, I'm begging you.

He saw the strings fade, and as the red ones tried to wind around his arms, they no longer tickled. They burned the skin they touched and pulled away.

"Harry, you have burns on your arms," Blaise hissed breathlessly as they ran.

"Bond," was all Harry could choke out.

They reached the stairs and threw the door open, running downstairs.

Harry choked at the sight in front of him, tears threatening to spill over.

Draco was laying, collapsed on the floor, covered in blood and dirt. Damon and Hermione stood off the the side with glazed eyes. Bellatrix Lestrange stood over him, grinning crazily.

"Where's Diane?" Blaise asked, his voice harsh.

"Right here," Bellatrix said, spreading her arms and grinning. "Welcome to the party boys. Haven't you ever heard of Polyjuice?"

"You bitch," Felix hissed. "You fucking cursed Damon. And Hermione!"

It was true. Hermione and Damon stood to the side, obviously Imperiused.

"How did you manage to do that without us noticing?" Blaise asked, voice high.

"You idiots are blind. That's it." Bellatrix was grinning.

Harry couldn't breathe. The strings were so faint he could barely see them. They were fading as Bellatrix spoke, and Harry was starting to feel dizzy.

"Draco," he choked out.

Felix turned to him, face twisted in worry. "Harry?"

Blaise put his hand on his shoulder. "Harry, do you feel okay?"

Harry fell to the floor, the last vision seen being Luna and Dean running into the room with wands drawn.

"Avada Kedavra!" someone shouted, and then everything went black.

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