Chapter Twenty-Three- Blissful Happiness

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Day 8

Harry sat up, smiling as sunshine poured through their window.

"Draaaaaco," he singsonged, before turning to face the sleeping blonde. His breath caught in his throat.

Draco looked incredibly peaceful, a small smile curved on his lips, pale skin glowing in the morning sun. 

Harry studied his hair. It was messy and soft and blonde. It was beautiful.

Carefully, he stretched out his hand, and ran his fingers through it, almost gasping at the sensation.

It was so soft and perfect, and suddenly Harry was overcome with the urge to just pull on it. He quickly snatched his hand away before his libido got the best of him.

Well shit, now I'm hard.

Before Harry could do anything about that, Draco was awake, his eyes fluttering open and a small, soft smile gracing his lips.

Harry returned his smile, although Harry's own was a little strained, given his circumstances.

"Hey Draco?"


"Do you think, before we go to classes, we could take our showers?"

"Why can't we take them after classes, when we have more time?" Draco mumbled sleepily, sitting up.

"Um, because I'd really like to take a shower."

"Christ, I don't care. I don't want to take a shower yet, I've just woken up."

"I'd really like to take a shower." Harry's voice was more than a little strained now. Draco looked slightly concerned.

"Good for you."

Oh fuck it. "A cold shower. Right now."

Draco's eyes were wide with realization, and he wordlessly mouthed oh.

"Yeah. So can I just go take my shower now?"

Draco rolled his eyes. "Honestly, Potter, what did we make our deal for if you're not going to utilize it?"

Harry blinked several times. "Deal?"

Draco sighed. "What's the point in having a gorgeous blonde with a working mouth and hands- well, hand- at your disposal if you're never going to use him?"

Harry blinked again, and then something clicked. Oh. "I didn't know if you'd want to-"

"I still owe you for last time." Draco blushed at his words, but his expression didn't change.

"Draco, I don't want you to do... that because you think you owe me."

"Potter, I am a flaming homosexual who very much enjoys dick, with obvious exceptions." At Harry's blank stare, he sighed again. "Family. Or Voldemort. Or Damon."

"What do you have against Damon?"

"Do you want your dick sucked or not?"

Harry's eyes widened. "I thought you were just going to-"

"Give you a handjob? I could, if that's all you want. But, speaking from experience, a blowjob is generally better."

Harry was still trying to wrap his mind around the fact that Draco fucking Malfoy was asking him if he wanted a blowjob. "Uh, yeah, okay."

"Eloquent as always." It was with these words that Draco moved in front of Harry, tugging down his pajama bottoms.

Harry didn't really have a chance to respond, as he was suddenly engulfed by the warm, wet heat of Draco Malfoy's mouth.

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