Chapter Twenty-Four- Happiness Cut Short

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It was an hour before dinner, and Harry was drawing while Draco stared out the window.


"Mhm?' Harry asked distractedly, trying to get the eyes right in his drawing.

"Was I really your first sexual experience?"

"Draco, I said it with Veritaserum in me. I couldn't have lied. Yes, you were."

"But like, before me, you had never given a handjob, a blowjob, never received anything?"

"Nope." Harry shaded the nose lightly.

"Then why the fuck would you do that?"

Harry looked up from his drawing, startled. "Excuse me?"

"I'm a goddamn Death Eater, Potter, why would you do anything with me? Oh God, did I pressure you? Did you feel obligated to? Did you feel threatened?"

"Draco-" Before Harry could tell him he had literally gotten an erection because of Draco, twice, and had willingly given Draco a handjob and a blowjob, Draco cut him off.

"You literally gave me your firsts! Me! I'm Draco fucking Malfoy! Why the fuck would you do that? Did you want to be able to humiliate me? Tell everyone?"

Harry blinked, wondering what part of that would be humiliating exactly. "Jesus, Draco, it's not like you took my fucking virginity."

"Did you do this on purpose?" Draco asked, hysterical. His mind seemed to be in such a panic that literally anything was possible to him. "Did you fucking glue yourself to me as a fucking laugh?"

Now Harry was pissed. "Why the fuck would I glue myself to you for a fucking laugh?" Oh shit. He hadn't meant to emphasize the you.

Now Draco was furious. "Me? Do you think you're fucking better than me, Potter?"

"Maybe I fucking do!" Harry shouted, irritated.

"Just because you're the 'Savior of the Wizarding World' doesn't mean you're somehow are better than the rest of us! Some of us had harder childhoods than you, and we're not fucking celebrated for it!"

"Oh you poor little baby," Harry sneered. "Mommy and Daddy not give you enough hugs?"

Draco's eyes narrowed. It had been a low blow, and Harry knew that. Before he could apologize and say that was too far, Draco cut in.

"At least my parents are alive," he growled.

Harry reeled back, a mixture of shock, pain, and anger shooting through him. He didn't think about his next words, just threw out what would hurt most.

"Better dead than Death Eaters."

He didn't bother looking at Draco's expression, he knew what it would be. He cast a silence charm on Draco, which consequently made himself silent too, given their bond.

He threw his drawing on the floor and refused to look at the blonde.

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