Chapter Fourteen- Harry Punches a Girl

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Forty-five minutes later, Malfoy and Harry were rushing to the front doors of Hogwarts. Harry had no idea where they were meeting the Slytherins, but he was having fun running down stairs, Malfoy's hand in his.

They burst through the front doors, and Malfoy pulled him towards a big oak tree, where they finally stopped.

Felix, Goyle, Damon and Lucinda were already there, but the others hadn't arrived yet, so they settled for sitting and talking. Harry got to know them a bit better.

Felix was a seventh year, a year younger than Harry, but with his attitude, you'd think he was an eighth year. He had short, blonde hair, brown eyes, and tan skin. He was kind of short, but he didn't take any shit for it. 

Goyle had gotten more musular, and he was definitely more attractive, though still far from Harry's type. He did seem friendly enough, though, and was actually rather quiet.

Damon was really attractive. He had windswept brown hair, and brown eyes to match. He had pale skin, and a sharp jawline.

Lucinda, Damon's twin, was also attractive. She had slightly darker brown hair, pale skin and blue eyes. She was thin, and didn't talk much. Her brother was outspoken enough for the both of them.

They talked a bit while they waited, and Felix kept them all entertained with silly stunts and awful jokes. He had them laughing within minutes.

Tabitha and Diane showed up minutes later, and greeted everyone.

Tabitha was... something else. She was loud and energetic and sarcastic, and within two minutes her and Felix were arguing about which of them would beat the other in a fight, which resulted in the two actually fighting, which was still going on as Harry met Diane.

Diane didn't really seem to like Harry much. The second he introduced himself, her nose turned up and she said "I know who you are, idiot. Everyone knows who you are."

"Hey, Di, cool it," Malfoy spoke up suddenly. Both Diane and Harry turned to him, shocked. 

"I'm stuck with him for ten weeks, which is bad enough without you putting him in a pissy mood," he added.

Diane rolled her eyes. "So you think now that you two are buddies, I have to like him too? I don't think so, Dray."

"We're not buddies, and don't call me Dray," Malfoy said, a bitter edge to his voice.

Harry chose to stay quiet, and then Millicent, Pansy and Blaise showed up.

"Then why are you defending him?" Diane shouted. "You hate him as much as the rest of us do!"

"Di, chill!" Pansy said as she joined the group. "He's literally stuck with him all the time! Wouldn't you try to get along with someone you're stuck with for ten weeks?"

"Not if that person is someone I hate!" Diane cried.

"Diane!" Blaise's voice was sharp. "Babe, what is your problem? We just wanted to have a good day! At least for the next ten weeks, Potter is an honorary Slytherin. We're loyal to our own."

"So now even my own boyfriend is against me?" Diane yelled. "That- that scum- he's not one of us! He'll never be one of us! He's just a low-life, attention-seeking Gryffindor dick!"

"Di!" Tabitha shouted. "Cool it! Take it back!"

"No!" Diane shouted. "He's no Slytherin, he doesn't deserve my respect! And you know what, Draco, you may as well be a Gryffindor too! You may as well be a fucking mudblood!"

Malfoy stilled at the word. In fact, everyone stilled.

"Di," Lucinda whispered, her voice soft and quiet. "We don't use that word. Ever."

"Fuck off, Lucy," Diane growled. "Shut your god-foresaken Mudblood mouth! You're all filthy scum for even being around him! Especially you Draco, I bet you tried to hold his hand, I bet you wanted to, I bet you're a fucking faggot and you wanted to be glued to him! Is that what you are, Draco?"

Harry could feel Malfoy shaking next to him. Somehow, he had a feeling he hadn't told anyone yet.

Diane's eyes were wider, angrier now. "You are, aren't you? You're a fucking faggo-"

That word was cut off by Harry punching her in the mouth. It sent a sting through his hand to touch her, but it was worth it.

Diane stumbled back, shocked.

"Don't ever use that word again," Harry said. 

"You little bitch!" Diane shrieked, launching herself at him.

Lucinda, shockingly enough, knocked Diane out of the air by throwing herself at her.

"What's wrong with you?" the normally quiet girl said. "Don't you know what happens if you touch them?"

Lucinda shook her head. "I'm going to take her to the Hospital Wing. I swear, she's not usually like this." Her eyes met Harry's. "It was nice meeting you... Harry."

As she walked away, there was dead silence. 

Which was broken by Felix falling on the ground laughing.

They stared at him, shocked.

He tried to speak, words gasping out between laughter. "She was just- so shocked- and she was- all- 'You fucking'- and then- BAM!" Felix mimicked throwing a punch and then collapsed into giggles again.

Tabitha's face split into a grin, and then she too was giggling. Damon and Millicent joined her in laughter, and soon enough everyone except Harry and Malfoy were laughing.

Harry leaned over and murmured in Malfoy's ear. "You alright?"

Malfoy thought about it for a minute, before his face split into a genuine smile. "Yeah, I think I am."

Felix, ever so energetic, hopped up. "Alright! Let's go shoppiiiiiiiiiiiiiing!"

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