Chapter Sixteen- Party Games

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Dedicated to johanneismyqueen

The room was warm, lit with fire and orangey lights, casting a soft glow over everything. There were 10 multicolored beanbag chairs grouped in a circle, with a bottle in the middle. There was a small, low-lit bar against the far wall, and big speakers on the opposite wall.

The room was beautiful.

"I call blue!" Felix shouted, jumping on the blue beanbag.

"No way, I wanted that one!" Tabitha shouted, chasing after him.

"If you wanted it, you should have grabbed it!"

While they fought over the blue beanbag, Pansy sat casually on the green one. Goyle chose the red, and Lucinda sat on the purple. When Pansy shoved Blaise off her lap, he sat on the black one.

Tabitha, grumbling about loving blue, moved to sit on the grey one.

Damon sat on the yellow one, and Millie chose the pink one. Upon realizing they couldn't sit on two separate beanbags, Malfoy and Harry sat on the orange one together.

"Shall we start with Spin the Bottle?" Pansy asked brightly. When the others nodded, she spun it. It landed on Blaise, and she rolled her eyes. "Does this count as cheating on your girlfriend?"

Blaise shrugged. "I'm gonna break up with her anyways."

Pansy shrugged. "Kay."

She leaned forward, and pecked him on the lips. "Felix, your turn."

He grinned, and spun it. When it landed on Millie, he smirked. "Ready for the best kiss of your life, Bulstrode?"

She rolled her eyes. "Shut up, Gonzalez."

He laughed, and leaned over and kissed her.

It lasted about ten seconds, and then Millie pulled away. "I'm really pissed that you weren't wrong, Gonzalez."

He laughed lightly. "Goyle, your turn."

Goyle spun the bottle, and it landed on Lucinda. The shy girl blushed, and Goyle leaned forward and lightly kissed her, before pulling away. If possible, she blushed harder.

Damon landed on Tabitha, Blaise landed on Goyle, Millie landed on Pansy, Tabitha landed on Blaise, and Lucinda landed on Damon, which ended in an awkward cough and a light peck on the cheek.

Then it was Harry's turn. He spun the bottle, and it slowed until it landed on Damon.

The boy's dark eyes met Harry's and he grinned.

Harry moved off the beanbag, keeping his arm behind him so Malfoy wouldn't have to move too. He leaned forward, and lightly kissed Damon.

Almost instantly, he pulled away, yelling and jumping back onto his beanbag, and vaguely registered Malfoy screaming.

Pansy pulled Damon back before he could touch Harry again, and knelt in front of the two. "hey, hey, it's okay, it's alright," she said softly. As their screams died down. She smiled. "Are you two okay?"

It was then that Harry realized he had a protective arm around Malfoy, and pulled away, embarrassed. "Yeah, I'm okay. I forgot we can't touch anyone."

Malfoy nodded. "Yeah."

Pansy sighed. "I guess Spin the Bottle's out. Let's play Truth or Dare!"

The others nodded in agreement.

"Okay, Draco, I guess technically it's your turn," Pansy said, smiling. 

"Damon." Grey eyes met brown. "Truth or Dare?"

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