Chapter Nineteen- Study Date

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Day 5

It was just after dinner, and Harry and Draco stood up from the Slytherin table. They started walking out of the Great Hall, joined by Felix, Tabitha, Pansy, Lucinda, Damon, and Blaise.

By the time they reached the Room of Requirement, they had been joined by Ron, Neville, Dean, Seamus, and Luna.

Pansy closed her eyes, and seconds later, a door appeared. She smiled brightly and opened it.

It was the same room as before, except there appeared to be a library section added where the bar had been, and there were more beanbag chairs.

"Alright." Pansy turned, smiling. "Here we go."

Everyone moved to grab some books and sit in a beanbag chair.

Harry and Draco focused mostly on their own things, occasionally using their joined hand to aid in whatever they were doing.

It was very peaceful and relaxing.

They kept accidentally sliding into each other since they were on the same beanbag, which became very distracting.

By the fifth time Harry accidentally slid into Draco, Draco was irritated.

"Fuck's sake," he muttered. He maneuvered them so Harry was sitting in between Draco's spread legs, leaning back against his chest, with Harry's right arm laying across his stomach so it wasn't uncomfortable for their conjoined hand.

Neither of them noticed Damon's glare or Seamus' smirk.

They continued reading their books for a while, before Harry set his down on his lap, closing it.

"How do you make Amortentia?" he asked.

Draco thought for a moment, also setting down his book.

"A combination of an Ashwinder egg, rose thorns, peppermint oil, and moonstone."

Harry nodded, trying to remember that for his Potions final.

"What spell clears airways to make it possible to breathe?" Draco murmured.

"Anapneo," Harry whispered back.

They continued to quiz each other for a while longer, before Pansy sighed and stood up, stretching.

"I'm bored. Let's do something!" she exclaimed.

Everyone else nodded and grinned, setting aside books in favor of this more interesting outcome.

"As an honorary hello to our Gryffindor and Ravenclaw guests, I say we play a friendly game of Truth or Dare!"

Harry snorted. "Hardly friendly, Pansy."

"'In my opinion, the hottest person in this room is Draco!'" Pansy sang loudly, quoting Harry's words from the previous game.

"Shut up!" he shouted, laughing and throwing a pillow at her.

The Gryffindors looked thoroughly confused, but before they could ask anything, Pansy summoned Veritaserum shots.

"V shots!" she sang, passing them out to everyone.

"Yay!" Luna cried before downing hers.

Harry laughed, and drank his too.

Ron frowned slightly, but drank his.

Seamus poured his shot down Dean's throat, and Dean returned the favor.

After everyone had taken their Veritaserum, Pansy smirked. "Alright. Felix, Truth or Dare?"

"Dare, baby!" he cheered.

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