(09) Food Fight

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Picking at at the tray of food in front of him, Taylor was a little nervous to even eat after what had happened to him the day before.

Walking up to the outside bench Taylor was at, Hayley sat beside him and handed him a brown paper bag. "Hey buddy, try this, you'll live longer."

Taylor let out a small chuckle and nodded. "Well, thank you", he began as he opened the bag. Taking out a sandwich, he smiled. "Wow, looks good!"

"I made it myself" Hayley added with a small shrug. She wanted to do a nice gesture for the guy, especially after Alex's stunt.

Walking around the yard of the school after riding his bike there, Jack figured he'd pay his sister a visit. He had skipped school that day, but of course Zac had to go and ruin his relaxing day off.

Zac believed Hayley had a free study period and apparently weeks beforehand Zac had organised for himself and Hayley to do something special. Who had to cop the complaints when Hayley wasn't found at home? Jack. And he was fairly annoyed about that, naturally.

Hayley had this rule where she'd leave her phone in her locker, just in case anything was ever found on there that would blow her cover. Jack found this rule a bit of a joke, but he felt pretty annoyed when she wouldn't answer his texts, therefore he was forced to go and visit her at her new school.

"I'll have those fries if you're done with them" Jack announced, sitting down across from his sister and her friend. Shoving some of the fries into his hand, he didn't even wait for an answer.

Hayley gasped, having not expected her brother to be visiting her. She hoped he wouldn't say anything stupid. Turning to Taylor with a gritted smile, she braved what was going to happen next.

"Taylor, this is my younger brother, Jack" Hayley introduced her sibling to her friend, not having been prepared.

Taylor put his hand out for Jack to shake, in which he did. Wow, Jack looked a lot like Hayley, Taylor thought. Exact same style and haircut... Almost carbon copies of each other.

"So this is the famous Taylor? I've heard plenty about you" Jack explained, eating away at Taylor's fries and embarrassing his sister all at once.

Taylor felt a little confused by Jack's statement and turned to his friend 'Hayden' with a raised eyebrow. Hayley pretended as though her brother hadn't just said that, and moved on.

"Ok Jack, what are you doing here?" Hayley questioned, giving a stern look to her brother. One that reminded him that he needed to cool off with the oversharing.

'This is going to be fun', Jack wore a grin as the thought to himself. "Your one true love Za- Um... Zara, came over just now to pick you up. You told her you'd spent your study break with her and she's very upset that it slipped your mind."

Hayley buried her head in her hands as she rested her elbows on the school bench. How could she have forgotten two dates with her boyfriend now? He wasn't going to be happy. The only good thing here was that Jack was being fairly tight lipped.

"You know that she worships your hairy, hairy chest and your deep, deep voice" Jack joked, not being able to help himself. Looking over at Taylor, the male let out one last poke at his sister. "Hayden is such a winner with the ladies, I tell ya."

Hayley kicked her brother under the bench as a warning. He always had to goof around in moments when, well, he just shouldn't. She had to admit to herself that she was a little grateful to know that Zac had been looking for her - now she had time to think of an excuse.

"Anyway", Jack began, narrowing his eyes at his sister when he spoke. "Zara forced me to promise her that you would be ready when she picks you up at seven. You should... Look your handsomest, Hayden", he finished with a laugh.

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