(11) Mr Perfect is Mr History

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"How do I look, Jack?" Hayley twirled into her brother's bedroom, showing off the tux she'd rented for the night.

"Dashing" Jack tiredly answered, not even bothering to look up from the magazine in his hands.

Hayley looked down at her outfit to make sure everything was in place. Giggling at the sight of her pants, she reached down for her fly to do it up. "Oops, fly was undone."

"That was the dashing part" Jack replied, placing his magazine down. He had been moping around all day, upset with the results of his recent study session with his classmate.

Hayley knew something was up with her brother and wanted to make sure he was feeling okay. He'd barely spoken all day which was usually a sign that something was on his mind.

"Hey Jack, are you feeling alright?" Hayley questioned her brother, sitting down beside him on his bed. Placing an arm over his shoulder, she gave him some comfort.

"No Hayles, I'm not" Jack answered as he rolled his eyes. "It's just that I've had almost a full fortnight to take a lady home and I haven't had the opportunity yet. The closest I got to a date was seeing your friend without a top on... And she was trying to seduce you! What's wrong with me, Hayles?"

Hayley let out a small sigh as she patted her brother's back. "Jack, there is absolutely nothing wrong with you. You will find someone perfect for you and let me tell you, that person will make all this waiting worth it", Hayley explained as she couldn't help but imagine the scenario as herself with Taylor.

"That's easy for you to say, you get to get it on with Mr Perfect whenever you feel like it!" Jack exclaimed before feeling a gentle punch from his sister. "Ok, ok, bad comparison."

Hayley got up from the bed and folded her arms over her chest as she paced around Jack's room. "Intimacy isn't all that great."

"I'd like to form my own opinion first but thanks for trying to make me feel better" Jack replied sarcastically. Picking up his phone off of his bedside table, the guy tilted his head to the side with a look of desperation on his face. "There's this dial-a-date number, maybe you could lend me a couple hundred for the night?"

Hayley gasped before shaking her head. "You know what I think you should do? I think you should call up your buddies instead. Hang out at the skate park with them, go see a movie, something like that."

Before Jack had the chance to answer his sister, the pair both heard Hayley's phone ringing from her bedroom across the hall. Once Hayley retrieved her phone and returned back to Jack's room, she looked down anxiously at the 'private number' title on her screen.

"Can you pick it up? I have no idea who it is that's calling me" Hayley asked her brother, holding her phone out to him. Seeing that Jack had a grumpy look on his face, she begged. "Please, please? It's only for one more night. Then this will all be over!"

Jack gave in and answered the phone call for his sister. "Hello, who is this?", he started, before letting out a grunting sound at the person on the other end of the line. "Yes, HAYLEY is here."

Hayley could tell by her brother's tone of voice that he was a little annoyed with her. She knew the whole Hayden act was getting exhausting but all she had to do was get through one last night.

'It's Mr Perfect', Jack mouthed at his sister. Once he had, though, he realised he could have totally pranked her and told her it was anyone else. He was kind of bummed that he'd missed the opportunity.

"Hello, Zac" Hayley greeted her boyfriend with a dull, bored tone. She was still a little cranky with him. "No, I can't tonight... We have to have a serious talk... Yes, it's about us... We'll talk about this some other time, I've gotta-"

Hayley had paused in between her boyfriend's comments. He'd asked her to go out with him and of course it was a little too inconvenient for Hayley - this annoyed Zac so much so that he hung up on her.

Squeezing her eyes shut in annoyance, Hayley threw her phone onto her brother's bed and sighed. "Well, I'm not going to be needing that tonight."

Hayley had heard a car beeping it's horn while she was on the phone so she had figured it was the limousine waiting out the front.

"Goodbye, little bro" Hayley greeted Jack as she gave him a quick hug. "Thank you for helping me out through all this. I can't wait to come home tonight and put Hayden to bed forever."

Jack let out a chuckle and nodded in agreement. "Yeah, I do miss your usual state", he joked before biting his lip in thought. His sister seemed bothered by something. "Hey, is Mr Perfect... Well, Mr History?"

Hayley simply gave her brother a small nod as an answer. It did seem like Zac was all part of her history now. Still, she had bigger things to worry about, like getting through the prom while watching Lynn all up and close with Taylor.

𝙤𝙣𝙚 𝙤𝙛 𝙩𝙝𝙤𝙨𝙚 𝙘𝙧𝙖𝙯𝙮 𝙜𝙞𝙧𝙡𝙨 ➳ 𝘵𝘢𝘺𝘭𝘦𝘺Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang