(02) Girl Meets World

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Decorating his bedroom walls with posters of some very bare ladies, Jack danced about to the radio playing on his nightstand. Hearing the doorbell ring, he sighed at the thought of who may be waiting outside.

Lifting an area of his blinds open, Jack realised his initial thoughts were in fact correct. The house guest was exactly who he'd hoped it wouldn't be. Turning his attention back to the posters on his wall, Jack wore a smug smile.

The doorbell rang out once more, giving an impression that the guest was incredibly impatient. Jack simply rolled his eyes, figuring his sister hadn't gone downstairs yet.

"Hayley, it's Mr Perfect!" Jack tilted his head to the side, calling out towards his open door.

As the doorbell sounded out for a third time, Jack felt fed up. What was his sister doing that made her incapable of answering to her own guests?

Jack looked down at the Playboy magazine in his hands and frowned. Throwing it onto his bed, he felt a little annoyed. 'Always when I'm busy', Jack thought to himself.

Slowly heading down the stairs in his home, Jack approached the front door and answered it just in time as the bell was pressed for a fourth time.

"What took you so long?" Zac shoved himself into the house quickly, wearing his board shorts and no shirt. Looking behind Jack in search for his much better sister, the male felt confused.

"Well, you see, it was because I knew it was you" Jack wore a grin, laughing at his own comment. "Hayley must be outside."

Zac simply pushed past Jack and headed all the way through the house and towards the backyard. Jack took a look outside the front door and sighed at the sight of Zac's Mercedes. 'What a waste of a beautiful vehicle', he thought.

Laying out on the back patio was Hayley, wearing a bikini. After a stressful day at school not winning the contest she so badly wanted to, the girl desperately needed some relaxation time in the form of sunbathing.

Zac's arrival wasn't planned, he just sort of showed up. Because of this, Hayley quickly sat up and put on a small smile at the sight of her boyfriend.

Diving into the pool for a cool down, Zac gracefully swam around, all the while looking like a movie star. Hayley felt so lucky that he was hers. She'd already called the guy and told him all about her disappointing school day which he didn't seem to mind hearing about.

Hayley walked over slowly from the patio to the pool, enjoying watching her boyfriend's tanned skin glistening in the sun. Herself and Zac were practically known as Barbie and Ken.

Sitting on the ledge of the pool with her feet inside the water, Hayley wasn't keen on joining Zac with the swimming. She was happy to simply observe.

After a small moment of this, Zac popped his head up and out of the water as he headed towards his girlfriend. Lifting his torso up so it was exposed from the pool, he placed his body between Hayley's legs and rested his arms on the girl's knees.

"It's going to be okay, baby" Zac soothed, noticing Hayley seemed to still be upset. He didn't know why the girl was so fixated on losing a contest but he wanted to be there for her anyway.

Kissing away at Hayley's neck as he attempted to comfort her, Zac slowly moved his hand up the girl's back and fiddled with her bikini top tie.

"Geez, why do those always have to be double knotted?" Zac questioned, still trying to pick apart at the secure bow on Hayley's back.

Standing up from the ledge of the pool after pushing her boyfriend's hands out of the way, Hayley shrugged. "I'm sorry, Zac. Not right now."

Zac completely understood that Hayley didn't want to fool around and that was okay. Instead, the guy followed his girlfriend around the backyard for a walk around the pond and trees.

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