(08) Operation: Take Down Alex

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"Yo, Taylor!" Hayley called out, walking up her buddy's driveway. Spotting his mother instead, the girl gave a small smile and waved.

For Hayley, she'd spent the day after the beach picnic writing her article - all while fighting a massive hangover. Now that it was the next day again, she figured she'd do some extra research with Taylor.

"Taylor, darling, your friend Hayden is here to see you" Taylor's mother announced as she popped her head through the living room window.

Watching Taylor's mother doing the gardening, Hayley nodded. "Hello there, Mrs York."

Once he made sure his mother was far away enough not to hear him, Taylor pulled Hayley aside and sighed. "What was that the other night?"

Hayley wriggled out her friend's grip and gave a small shrug. "Look, I'm sorry, I had no idea."

"Maybe if I was born in the 1970s, I may have enjoyed myself" Taylor took a stab at the whole situation, leaning against a tree in his front yard for shade.

"Yeah well that doesn't stop you dressing like you were" Hayley shot back, referring to the fact that Taylor's clothes were decades out of fashion - not in the cool way. "This is exactly why I came over, I'm taking you shopping."

"Oh, so you're not here to take me out on a double date with Tay's... Grandma this time?" Taylor grumpily spoke, having felt pretty fed up with the whole thing. "Why should I go shopping, Hayden? I've got no money for starters."

Hayley couldn't believe how over dramatic Taylor was being. Was he really this upset over a failed double date? There were plenty more fish in the sea and Hayley was hoping he'd soon realise it.

"If I were to match you with a Grandma, you'd be dressed well for the occassion" Hayley dragged her friend by his hand as she spoke. "I've got plastic and I'm ready to use it. We're going to give you a makeover to bring you into the current century."

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"I feel so weird right now" Taylor muttered, walking beside Hayley down to their lockers at school. He looked at his Levi jeans, brand new sneakers and stupidly expensive designer t-shirt. "This isn't me."

It was a brand new week but also Hayley's last week at her temporary high school. She was hoping this week would finally bring her the extra oomph that she needed for her article and social experiment.

"That's because your body isn't used to style... Or the fabrics of the new millennium" Hayley laughed quietly to herself. Spotting Lynn by the pair's lockers, she smiled. "Yo Lynn! What's up?"

Hayley didn't care all that much for Lynn but if she could get Taylor talking to the girl then maybe his social status would improve. Plus, he was kind of head over heels for her.

"Hey, Lynn" Taylor smiled, nervously greeting the girl in front of him. This was the first time he'd ever had the courage to speak with her. "I'm Taylor."

Lynn let out a small giggle and nodded. "I know who you are, Taylor", she commented, placing a hand through the guy's hair. "Nice new look."

"The dude went shopping and finally got a hair cut" Hayley nudged her friend, feeling glad that the new look was making good impressions for him. "Welcome to the 2010s, buddy."

Of course, right when Taylor was actually enjoying himself at school for once, Alex had to come along and ruin everything.

Lifting his girlfriend's hand away from Taylor, Alex placed his arm around Lynn's shoulders and smiled. "Doing some charity work talking to those freaks? Let's go, Lynn."

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