(06) Date Dilemma

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Walking into the first lesson of the day, Hayley had been feeling pretty good about her third day at school. Spotting Taylor at one of the desks in the classroom, she sped over to him.

Taylor, at least for the two other days Hayley knew he existed, wore funky button-up shirts with black jeans and sneakers. He seemed like a simple guy when it came to fashion. He also seemed like he'd just time travelled out of the 1980s.

"What happened to wearing something from this century?" Hayley asked Taylor without even greeting him. Why didn't he take her advice?

Taylor hung his head low in the History classroom and shook his head. "Can't you just forget about it?"

"I won't take no for an answer" Hayley insisted with a friendly smile. "C'mon, you're a good person, any girl would be crazy to reject you. So tell me, who is it you'd like to ask?"

Hayley was getting a kick out of this already. She'd played cupid for her friends in the past and loved putting people together. She just wanted to make Taylor happy.

Taylor tilted his head to the side as discreetly as he could. He motioned at a blonde girl a couple seats down. "Purple top."

Hayley checked out the girl and nodded. "Cute jeans", she commented, before quickly laughing at her accidental comment. "Go on, go for it."

"I can't just go over to her and ask her out" Taylor doubted himself, wishing Hayley would just back off. Sure, he'd love to have a date for the prom, but he could see that all the future held for him was rejections.

"Why don't you ease up to it? Start off by complimenting her. Tell her that her jeans are nice, girls eat up crap like that!" Hayley advised, knowing from her own experience. "And while you're at it you might as well tell her she has great legs. I swear I've seen her doing cheers."

Taylor nodded and gave in. Their teacher hadn't arrived to the classroom yet, so he figured he might as well take the risk while he could.

Standing up from his chair, Taylor walked over to the girl he'd always noticed in his History lessons. He knew there was something special and unique about her, it was only a matter of finding out what.

"Hey Janice, I love those jeans!" Taylor boldly complimented the girl he'd approached. When she didn't respond, he looked over to Hayley for help. When all he got was a shrug, he was left to his own devices. "I bet your legs look wonderful underneath", the male blurted out.

Turning in her seat, Tay let out a gasp and looked towards Hayley. "Did your friend really just say that to Janice? What's wrong with him?!"

"Why would you say that!" Janice exclaimed, fighting tears. "You... You jerk!", she retaliated, reaching up to slap Taylor's cheek.

Hayley wondered why Janice was so offended but she could kind of understand. Some compliments just weren't needed to be heard. "What's up with that girl? Why is she touchy?" Hayley asked Tay, the brunette girl in front of her.

"She's a double amputee, she has two prosthetic legs. Poor thing... She's been through so much and now she has to listen to some creep who probably has a weird fetish" Tay rolled her eyes, before giving a quick smile. "I didn't expect you to know that, Hayden, but Taylor has been in this class a while longer than you."

Getting up from her seat, Hayley quickly headed towards Taylor to save him. Giving a friendly smile and wave to Janice, she quickly thought of how she could fix this. It was kind of her fault after all.

"What he forgot to mention was that... He studies medicine! He wants to be a surgeon, a doctor, whatever he can when he leaves school. He is fascinated with the human body and I mean that in the least weirdest way possible" Hayley thought up, acting as believable as she could.

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