Part 35: Daddy's Disappointed

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Galavan pressed hard on the bridge of his nose, standing there in the middle of the dining room, trying to figure out the right words to say. The Maniax Male Team (except for Dobkins because apparently Tabitha shot him in the fucking face), Barbara, and Tabitha stood in the room with Danica standing front and center. It was very much like a family of underlings standing in front of the patriarch. How many times had Danica experienced this feeling? But this time, she felt she had done nothing wrong; and while following Jerome's lead, she felt that the situation-aside from usual setbacks in crime-had been carried out successfully.

Galavan inhaled slowly.
"Let me get this straight." He began. "I specifically told you not to leave the house until I gave you a task. You left the house. I asked you not to leave unaccompanied without having a task; you not only left the house unaccompanied but you also conjured a contract. When I sent you out to seek Harvey Bullock, this was fine because he's not main profile. This time, you sought out, not only a public figure, but one that could be linked to a personal vendetta that you have against the same man who assaulted, raped, and sodomized you as a child."

"He didn't sodomize-" Danica began, but Galavan approached her quickly and smacked her across the face.

Jerome's smile twitched.

"I'm not finished." Galavan projected angrily. Then he cooled. "Right. So, you not only targeted somebody from your past, it was a politician who was proven innocent-"

"He wasn't innocent, Theo!" Danica said indignantly.

Theo Galavan raised a hand, but stopped himself from striking her.

"I understand your displaced anger, dear. I really do. But I have to make you aware of just how badly you screwed up. So please, let me finish."

Danica fumed. Galavan cleared his throat,

"Point blank, you sliced off his cock, put it in a neat, paper bag; then left him for dead. Now, from what I know, this could have caused bedlam, considering that before Jerome arrived, he was attempting to rape you."

"I had a moment of weakness." Danica admitted. "Flashbacks. They happen. Fear. But-"

"You hesitated." Galavan stressed. "So following this sore attempt of a hit, you stayed in this target's house for a predominantly extended amount of time. So Houser's check-in guard realized that his phone calls weren't being answered. And here is where the bigger picture comes in full view," he added, laying hard with the eye contact into Danica. "You and Jerome casually strode out of aforementioned target's house, armed, and swept the grounds, spraying bullets and murdered twenty cops." He exhaled. "Each."

Barbara and Tabitha shared impressed looks. Forty cops in total, with one wielding a shotgun.

Danica made a wave of her hands. Can I talk now?

Galavan inclined to her.

"I acted on anger." Danica said.

Galavan stared at her when she said nothing else. He expected ranting or excuses or...anything but a four-word explanation.

"That's your defense? You're sticking to that, are you?" Galavan challenged. "Danica, do you realize that your escape could have rear-ended our headquarters-the GCPD walking in here, endangering everybody?"

Danica reiterated, "I acted on anger. Obviously, in hindsight, it seems rather abrasive, rash reasoning; but in the moment, it made perfect sense. You wanted publicity; that is what I gave you . And the only reason why the body count was so high is because if Jerome and I hadn't slaughtered the pigs, you would have had the GCPD coming at you, rear-ended."

Danica cleared her throat. She added cynically, "But really it's your reputation on the line since the entire fucking city knows that we're all crazy as sin."

Tabitha nodded her way. Makes sense.

Galavan considered her for a second.

"And whose idea was it to bag the gentleman's genitals in a doggie bag?" he interrogated, shifting his eyes between Jerome and Danica.

"His suggestion, my idea," answered Danica. "Jerome suggested that you would value proof, a statement more or less that would show that I finished what I started. My proof is the gentleman's cock."

Danica shrugged.

Galavan stared at the two of them. Jerome upturned his lip in agreement. Confirmation.

Barbara interjected sweetly,
"It's actually not a bad message. Don't mess with the Maniax. Everyone's a target."

Galavan nodded.

"I suppose that is a good message. Though you're right, Jerome; I would've been harder on her if she brought back nothing."

A moment of silence. He turned to Jerome.

"Okay," he resigned. "From now on, you take her with you. As much as I can be revolted by her impulsive behavior, I do like the creativity. But you seem to be her logical better half." He sighed. "Keep your dog on a leash, so to speak."

Jerome nodded. Danica took a dangerous step forward.

"I'm not his dog," Danica said, bridling on fury.

"You act on anger, Danica," said Galavan. "That makes you-"

"Human." Danica said. "Anger makes me feel human. I feel emptiness most of the time. I don't feel anything unless someone is beating the crap out of me, or I feel like I'm going off the fucking deep end, or...when..." She glanced at Jerome. When I'm with him...I don't feel empty when I'm with him.

Galavan stopped her. He motioned for everyone to leave the room. When the room was clear, he stepped toward her.

"I have a lot of patience, sweetheart, but let me tell you about yourself for just a fast minute."

"Because you know me better than I?" Danica retorted.

"You and Jerome share a love of sarcasm, and I applaud that; but you really need to listen to me first." Galavan held a finger up to her lips, shushing any more sassy remarks out of her. He continued,
"You released your psychopath. I'm very glad about that. It's a wonderful break-through. But they didn't diagnose you with borderline personality-"

" Don't give me that psycho-babble bullshit!" Danica said angrily.

"Got your feelings back. Right there." Galavan pointed out swiftly. "You may be able to keep your romantic feelings out of business. Along with joy, sadness-every emotion you have can be disassociated enough-but your anger is your weakness. You're impulsive. Drug abuse. Anger. Tantrums. Killing. You do everything in an all-or-nothing mind-set, Darling."

Danica bit back a hasty retort.

Galavan sighed, "I commend you. Your job with Harvey Bullock was stupendous. Your artistry, amazing. But you went after a politician, a public figure, and disfigured and murdered him in a way that I do not approve of: that is what I need you to understand. I do not approve. I thought that I needed you here to keep Jerome in line. It's come obvious to me that it's the other way around."

Danica understood. In fact, she more than understood. Galavan didn't approve of her actions; although Jerome and she had thoroughly enjoyed it, even carrying out the mission, and leaving it alive all the while they had fun together. Danica frowned at him. He didn't approve. She did. Jerome did. To her, that's all that mattered.

"Yes, Sir." Danica said softly. "You've made yourself crystal clear."

Galavan exhaled a breath of relief. Finally.

"On your way, then, Darling," he dismissed her.

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