Part 25: No More Questions

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There was a "fine line" between what was hilarious and all good fun compared to what could get them popped and put them back into Arkham Asylum; and Danica knew that if they weren't careful, something would put them all in harm's way. But the difference between she and Jerome was that he wasn't afraid of going back to lock-up, nor was he afraid of death. He was graceful under pressure, took special pleasure out of pain; and although he made a point to simply enjoy the idea that all of them-including her-were finally free, he had a knack for liking what would come next. Danica wanted to know the reason behind Galavan breaking them out; Jerome was interested of what plans were to come from that.

Galavan favored Jerome out of the band of misfits, welcomed his showmanship and boyish charm. Danica understood Galavan's favoritism for him because she had been under Jerome's charismatic charm the first time that she met him.

Danica's curiosity, Jerome had guessed accurately, was what did bring her father's beatdowns to an ultimate knife fight. She was better off going with the flow, like Jerome said.

Galavan's plot for Jerome, Dobkins, Aaron, and Greenwood was for them to be the face of MANIAX. Barbara Kean stayed in the shadowed background for a grander purpose. But Danica wondered about Galavan's purpose for her. Was she merely there for an extra body in the house, or did he want her there for a bigger idea-something extravagant?

She didn't know.
Fuck it. She'd ask.

While Galavan sent Jerome and his handymen out on their assignment, Danica strode into his upstairs bedroom and slammed the door behind her. A half-naked Galavan peered up at her from his bed.

"Good morning," he greeted her.
"What's your plan, Galavan?" said Danica crudely, hand on the doorknob.

"Can I get dressed first?" He suggested, his lower half hidden under the covers.

"Your schemes are entertaining," she granted him, "and you seem to have everything under lock and key; and while I find that admirable, I want to know where I stand. So, quite plainly-"

"Jerome must think you're better off under the influence of drugs, doesn't he?"

"Yes, but not the point," Danica answered coolly. "He finds that sober me is-"

"Annoying?" Galavan interrupted. "He's right. Most people do not care about the details. Just the big picture. You care about the details. And that's a problem."

"I don't think that it's that big of a problem."

"That's because you don't see the big picture," Galavan reasoned. "Danica, what do you know about show biz?"

"Very little."

"That's why Jerome is out making headlines while you're indoors," Galavan explained. "You're a criminal whose expertise lies in the background."

Danica released the door knob and stepped forward.

"You have beauty, ferocity, and desire, and that's enough," he said.

"How many people have you used that line with, eh?" Danica said scathingly.

"Danica, Darling," Galavan stated, "I'm not trying to get you into bed with me. Nor am I going to kill you or turn you into something you're not. I have no interest in keeping you locked up here as my pet; nor do I think you're better off working the street by yourself. You do have a reason for why you're here, and the reason being is..."

He rose to his feet from the bed,
"To keep Jerome focused."

Danica let out a cry of laughter.
"Keep him focused?" She chuckled. "Sir, I do not give him orders!"

"No," Galavan said as he pulled his pants up, "but you and him-"

"He made me, not I made him," Danica cut him off. "You definitely got the wrong person-"

"You misunderstood," Galavan sighed. "You and he think clearly when you and he consummate-"

"You know, you can say 'fuck', right?" Danica muttered.

"When you fuck," Galavan remarked, "it's like it clears the airways."

"He's clear-headed all the time," Danica remarked.

Galavan's face turned irritated.
"Then if you don't find yourself being useful, then I don't have any use for you, do I?"

Danica's face paled.
"Perhaps I jumped the gun?" She said nervously. "My bad."

Galavan strode toward her.
"I brought you here as a courtesy to Jerome. If there's anything I understand, it's about the dependence of another; and your knowing that he is safe makes you a better worker."

"He may not have buckled if he found out if I were dead," Danica shrugged. "I don't think he loves me in that nature."

"He still cares about you, most likely on his own way; but the relationship is definitely not platonic. You're a weapon, a woman. And you would bend over backwards to make him happy, wouldn't you?"

Danica nodded slowly. Galavan placed a hand on her cheek, tracing the scar on along her mouth.

"He makes you happy," he said gently.

"He does."
"You make him happy."

"I guess," Danica shrugged.

"Everything seemed clear in Arkham, but since you are free, you're questioning everything." Galavan sighed. "Doubt is poison, worse than anger. Think the way you did while in Arkham; run with that."

Danica smiled, "You're a smart guy, aren't you?"

Galavan grinned.
"There's that smile he told me about," he approved. "Run along. Gotta get ready for the dinner tonight. Something special."

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