Part 24: The Fine Line

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Danica slammed the door behind she and Jerome, stepping full-bodily into their upgraded bedroom (courtesy of the Galavan Household). She looked at her lover with a confused expression. Jerome stood in front of her, observing her hands-on-hips, not so amused facial expression only to throw his hands up and say—

"Let me guess: you don't trust him."

"You do, though; don't you?" Danica snapped.

"Oh my God," Jerome muttered, though he made a small chuckle. "You really don't like to make things simple. Must be a character flaw." When Danica didn't react, he approached her, arms outstretched. "Look, it's fairly simple—you're overthinking this. You're out of Arkham. That's what you wanted."

"So," said Jerome, "Enjoy it."
"What, like have fun?"
"But what's he planning?"

"Who cares?" Jerome exclaimed. "Maybe this is why your dad beat you: questions, questions, non-stop about where, when, what, why! Not everything has to be spelled out. Galavan was right," he continued," he said you were going to buck this."

"I'm not bucking it," Danica remarked, "but there is a fine line with petty crime and then breaking out seven inmates from Arkham and sending them out to a city!"

"Are we really talking about ethics and...the law?" Jerome muttered. "This conversation is getting boring really fast."

"Fine," Danica breathed. "If you don't care, I don't care."

Jerome grinned,
"Great. Let's get back." He patted her on the shoulder and strode out of the room, leaving his lover still rather confused and a loss for words.

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