Part 10: I Got a Guy

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Danica sighed as she lit up her cigarette, igniting the flame and watching the bright light as she inhaled. A cloud of smoke billowed around her head. Danica closed her eyes with relief. *Oh, thank God*. She had been left with a nicotine for three days. Jerome's guy came through with her requests.

Sionis had asked Jerome is she wanted anything harder; the Ginger maniac had considered consenting to the offer, but he had been uncertain about her standpoint on that area.
Though he was *very* curious.

When Jerome sat down beside her, he narrowed his eyes and observed her hair. She had taken clippers to it.

Definitely a big change from the long hair that she had; though it made her look edgy. He wasn't expecting it; but he liked it.

Danica's eyes remained closed.

"I like it," Jerome said.

"Glad you do," Danica returned. " Thank you, by the way." She added, flicking her cigarette ash onto the table.

"Is that all you're interested in doing?" He gestured to the cigarette.

"What do you mean?" Danica asked, meeting his eye.

"You know what I mean."

Danica made an unattractive scoff. She turned to him, straddling the bench.
"Why do you ask?"
"Are you a happy drunk?"
Danica clicked her teeth.
"Yes," answered Danica.
"And the other part?"
"Which one?" Danica sighed.
"The drug one?"
"Well, it depends what I'm taking, baby," Danica drawled, though there was a cynical hint in her throat. When Jerome stayed quiet, she relented. "Heroin, calm. Coke, happy. Weed, sleepy. Meth..."

She made a motion with her mouth; Jerome had seen tweakers do it when they were using euphoric recall. She was biting her teeth, a meth tick.

In fact, he had noticed that she had been doing that the past week ever since Gordon came to ask questions. Jerome tipped his head to the side inquiringly.

"It really depends on the day and the company," Danica said. And with a shrug, "And how long I've been up."

Jerome uttered an intrigued, "*Mmm*", and smirked.

"How long have you stayed up?"

Danica inhaled her cigarette longer than expected, and blew the smoke out fiercely.

"14 days, why?" Danica demanded.

"Putting it out there," Jerome said, "Would you do it again?"

"Don't tempt me," Danica hissed at him.

"I think you could be a real hoot." Jerome growled.

Danica reached toward him and smacked him across the face; Jerome received the blow pretty well and just smiled.

"Okay, I made you angry. I accept that," he remarked.

"Honey, what you are asking is if I miss it, and I do. But I am unpredictable on that shit; if I stay up too long, I black out and there's no—Why the fuck are you looking at me like that?"

Jerome was grinning from ear to ear.
"Honey," he drawled. "Danica, babe, you think a little spontaneity would upset me? As far as mood swings go, they don't phase me. Actually," he added, leaning in, "if you could get a little angry every now and again, that would really..."

"You're fucked in the head."

"Yeah, and your point?"

Danica put her cigarette out.
"Just to clarify, Jerome, you want me to pick it back up. That's your preference."

"Oh, good, I'm glad my point is getting across. Your point was a bit fuzzy, Fuzzy,"—he rubbed her half-shaven head and pushed aside the hair that fell down the other side of her face.

"I can't do it here!" Danica exclaimed. " I'll go mad!"

Jerome rubbed the bridge of his nose.
"Yes. *I know that*."

Danica sighed.
"Fine, but I'm not shooting it or snorting it.

"Does that really make a difference?"

"It doesn't matter as long as I do it," Danica said. "But I imagine it's probably easier to sneak in by the load when it's capsule form."

Jerome consented. "Sounds pretty good to me. I'll go talk to my guy."

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