BBB Ice || Sea Blue Eyes

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"Calm, collected, and mature"—
I hear it everyday
For it is what I am called
By all those who pass my way.

And why not indeed, would they?
From my hair to my toes
In each fibre of my being
Maturity brightly glows.

But simply because I seem to be
Calm as glacier ice
Does not mean one should trust
My lying sea blue eyes.

Simply because icebergs shake does
Does not mean I do not, as well
For no matter what, I am man,
I've risen and I've fell.

Simply because the ocean is calm
Does not mean it will be so tomorrow
A moment later, the currents could
Rumble and tumble and grow.

And simply because no panic

Leaps out, doesn't mean IAm who you think, for know this —
My sea blue eyes always lie.

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