Thorn x Solar || I'd Die Without

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Just as a young sprout
Requires the light to grow
I think that I need your
Almost blinding glow
And the way that you shine
Whenever your smile appears
To save me from the darkness
And my mundane fears.
And I need the hope
I feel when in your arms
As if I will forever be
Safe from all forms of harm.
I need your love too,
And the way our hands intertwine
And the heaving breaths I hear,
As your lips approach mine---
And I need it the way
Trees achingly reach for the light;
I need your love to feel love
Warm, lovely, and bright
And like a young rosebud
Or any other flower
I need you, my Sunshine, to live
As you were life-giving water.
And as a sunflower will shrivel if
It cannot see the sun and sky blue
I would crumble, I would perish---
I would die without you. ♥♥♥

I love you,
Your "innocent little strawberry."


I was way too much into this one. Idea taken from Alex_Jessica's one-shot book, about Thorn saying, "Solar, come on! This plant needs sunlight to live!!!" And then Solar said something about plants also needing earth, water, and wind causing the other ships to flare up x3.

(Media Picture isn't mine)

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