Thunderstorm x Cyclone || Rest Assured

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Little bundle of vivid blue,

Cute as you are when
Your cheeks are puffed out,
Reddening because
My loyalty you doubt;
As endearing as it is when
You go in an envious trance
And glare at all who so much
Dare to give me a glance,
My darling cyclone---
The wind in my electrifying sails,
The embodiment of carefree
And reckless gales---
I mean it when I say
I'd run even to the sun
If it were to ensure
From me, you'd not be gone.
I mean it when I whisper
As I embrace you at night
For you, my dear hurricane
Even the galaxy I would fight.
I mean it when I scream
As your lips messily meet my own,
I'll love you, always
You will never be alone.
So worry not, my dear typhoon,
Whatever the day of the hour,
Rest assured to the end of time,
Cyclone, I am yours.

Lovingly, Thunderstorm.
PS: Now will you stop accusing me of cheating on you with Earthquake?


The idea for this was taken from Alex_Jessica's one-shot book again ^-^

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