Chapter 16: Merry Christmas

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As you didn't know Bree and Jack were secretly dating. Actually for a while. But as you DID know it's Christmas Eve! Jack and his sister Isabella had an amazing surprise.

"Babe, can you come into my room for a second?" Jack said, sounding in pain. Bree ran into his room. "What's wrong? What's... Jack!" There was Jack, Zach, Jonah, Corbyn, and Daniel lined up harmonized as can be, singing, just like they did for Yn. Jack stopped though.

"Bree Smith, you made me oh-so-happy these past months. I want us to continue this until the day I die. So..." Jack said. Then he got on his knees and pulled out the ring. "Will you give me have the happiest Christmas gift of all, and make me your Husband?" Bree, of course, falls in tears. She nodded.

"Yes! Yes, Jack Robert Avery, I will!" He slipped on the ring and he hugged her so tight. "Awww!" The couple heard from behind them. It wasn't the band. It was Yn, Christina, and Haylie.

(A/N: I realize I haven't been putting the POV's because it was 3rd person. Well, guess what! Now there is! Can we just say your nickname is Cookie? DON'T ARGUE! BTW There is going to be some serious back to back talking)


That's when I realized something I should of before. Even though I am not with my parents right now, I am with my friends. With my Brothers! My boyfriend. My boyfriend... The one that makes me happy. I now realized who I use to be.

I was stubborn and had no fun. But my heart was in the right. But I think my pursuits have changed. I want to be with Daniel and my girls! I want to continue the dream I had when I was seven. To be a songwriter.

I tap Daniel on shoulder softly after we all settled down, in the living room. "Yeah, Cookie?" Daniel says in a loving town. "Thank you for everything!" I say. "I didn't do anything." He replied. "No, you did. You changed me. You gave me a whole new outlook on things. Without you, I wouldn't be who I am right now. I am the girl who wants to be with her guys forever and pursue her dream with him, and never leave his side"

Daniel smiles at my small speech. Everyone grins at Danie and I. "Merry Christmas..." he leans down to my ear and whispers, "baby." I smile and give him a passionate kiss. He obviously does the same.

Christmas Morning:


I wake up to the shaking of my girl. Her smile helped me open my eyes as wide as I could. "Dani! It's Christmas! Wake up! It's time to open presents." She says as she shakes me and kisses me on my forehead, trying to wake me up. She gets me up by a simple sentence, though.

"Your family is here." I jump up and ask, "REALLY?" She nods. "Actually everyone's family is here. Well, only the band's fam." I hop out and run downstairs.

"Mom! Dad! Tyler, Christian, ANNA!" I scream. They all welcome me up with a warm family hug. "Why didn't you tell me you guys were coming up?" I say with tears flowing down my eyes. "We wanted to surprise you!" Anna said with a great big hug. "I missed you guys so much." We all hug again.

"Aw. How sweet!" I hear a high voice say. "Who is this, dear?" My mother asks. "Oh, I haven't told you guys. This is my girlfriend... Yn." Anna jaw dropped. So did Mrs. Seavey's. "G-g-girlfriend?" Anna asked.

Keri Seavey:

I didn't expect this to be happening. I get that Daniel had other girls and hid them from me but eventually told me. But this girl was living with him? Okay, she looked decent, pretty, and seemed quite suitable for my Dani. But still! "What's your name sweetheart?" Okay, I agree that was a stupid question. "Mom I-" Daniel began.

"It's okay Dan. I'm Yn Mn Ln. I was in the study of being a lawyer. But because of Daniel, I am now pursuing songwriting. My parents have died last month so Daniel and these young men invited me here to stay. But actually, I live with Christina. So I don't live here. You don't have to worry about that now. Let's see. I'm 18, turning 19 next April. And I guess my mind is clean and my criminal history is also clean too." The young girl said I an orderly manner.

The I like her. She would be perfect for Daniel. Maybe show him some confidence skills. IM JOKING! And by the glances of my family, they approve too. "Welcome to the Seavey family!" I say as I shake her hand. "No, no, no! We're not married, yet. Well not yet as in we will but we just never talked and..." Daniel and Yn said. We all laughed

3rd Person:

The rest of the day the band, their families, and the girls all hung out at the house. They were laughing, playing games, and singing songs. But they couldn't forget eating. It was the best Why Don't We Christmas ever.


I hope you all have a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. I am so thankful for all of my readers, followers, and my WP friends. No matter what happens I have you guys to get through with My Christmas has been wonderful. even though my mother is working tomorrow for half of the day I will be at the movies with my father. Yes, it's incredible how the movies are open early in the morning ON CHRISTMAS! I will be watching the new Ralph Breaks the Internet. tell me in the comments how your Christmas went! Merry Christmas and Happy New Year once again. ~

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