Chapter 12: Three Days After

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The concert was memorable and fun. But it was now time to head back to Portland. 

The bus was driving back and everyone was asleep. But Daniel wasn't. He was awake thinking of his special friend. The one stubborn but loving girl. The one who can always hold him up, even when she doesn't notices it. Daniel plugged in his earbuds to his phone and played Hooked. 

That song reminded him of Yn.

You were there when I was low, you held me high

And baby when you take control, we can go all night

Every single place we go, you start a fight

But then you kiss my neck and take a bite

He fell asleep thinking of his lines. He woke up to the shaking of Jonah. "We're here Daniel! We're  home." Jonah said in a happy voice. He grabbed his pants and put on a 8 Letters  sweatshirt over his body and but on some tennis shoes and ran outside the tour bus. Only to see the WDW apartment.

"You said we were home." Daniel said in a disappointed tone. "Yeah home not at Sh*tstina's" Corbyn said walking arginly to the house. Just then Daniel had a phone call. He went back into the bus since no one was there. 

"Hello? Seavey speaking." "Daniel are you home?" Yn asked. "Yeah but home isn't what I want to be. This isn't home." Then she asked, "Then what is home, Dani?" "You."

There was silence for a moment. "I know we have only been dating for a few weeks but what if we wanted to start a family? Like have two little boys and a girl always trying to do right." Daniel began. "And we would make cookies and sing songs together as a family. And our daughter would say "I love you Daddy" and hug me tight." Daniel started bursting in tears.

Yn was surprised. "That would be amazing. But would you be home for the kids? And me wanting to be a lawyer and all. Our daughter would be like, "I love my dad, but he's never there for me. And mommy's never around because of her cases." That hurts me feelings Dani. I love you and if we did start a family think about all the finatials." 

"I need to see you again. I need you to see me." She agreed. So that evening at 7:30 Daniel picked her up. "You better get her back by 10 AT THE LATEST! She is not to see that son of a bi*ch" Christina yelled, but still in pain. "Yes ma'am."

The two made it to the field where Daniel and Yn almost kissed on their first outing. Daniel laid a blanket on the ground and helped Yn down. They looked at the stars for a while. Daniel sang softly but loud enough that she could her.

And if the sky falls I'll catch it

Just to steal you a star

Yn smiled and decided to finish the lyric

I'll ride it to battle for you

Just so we could




We could be free, we could be free

We could be free, we could be free

We could be free, we could be free

We could be free, we could be free

She smiled, the he did. He held her hand and leaned in. As did she. The closer and closer they came until Yn could feel Daniel's soft, wet lips. She pulled back. "Maybe a family wouldn't be so bad." She said them kissed him again passionately. 

Daniel and Yn sang and talked about their future. Daniel checked his phone and it was.. 9:55! He rushed her back home at 9:59. "Okay Seavey. You made it this time. But you might not get so lucky the next." Christina said slamming the door behind her.

Finish the lyric and guess the artist

And I can cook, yeah, you won't even have to do a thing

14 Letters - Daniel Seavey X Reader {COMPLETED}Where stories live. Discover now