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      A sneer made it's way to my lips as I took in the lion's human appearance. Lightning flashed so violently in the sky that it lit up the area like the sun. The stupid creature was huge in his build and height. He was very young, maybe around twenty..? Props to him for joining the army. Though, he lost all his points for trying to go against me. His strong features were pulled into disgust, making my eyes blaze in anger. I had recognized him. It was the lion king's plus one that was brought at the meeting once my father.. Died. My eyes narrowed.
      "You want to come and challenge me after everyone noticed how I took your leader down?! I want to see you try!" I didn't need to say that, seeing as my warning was held in my posture and my slitted eyes.
      He wavered, possibly not as stupid as I had thought..? Then he shifted and started taking off towards my human form. Nevermind. I take that thought back. The lion nation was all prideful idiots that don't know when they've lost.
      Being stuck in my thoughts, I hadn't noticed that he had pounced at me. I didn't have time to move out of the way, but I made sure to shift. His claws pierced my neck and I pushed him off with my hind legs. Though he was off, the grip he had on my neck caused his claws to drag across my flesh. My own blood began to stain my fur, but I felt unfazed. It was like I had an unknown source of energy keeping me from giving up and I welcomed it. I stood shakily, my breath uneven, and turned my hard glare to the attacker. I started my attempt to kill the stupid lion, but froze. Going at the lion was none other than my general. How had he got through the crowd and who let him get in the middle of the challenge? I grabbed him by the scruff and pulled him away with a his, only to have the lion dug into my back. I pried him away, throwing into the hard ground. I went to go after him in anger, but lightning struck. Not at tree. Not near the castle. On him. Then again. And again. I stood there, frozen, watching the blazing light hit the same spot over and over.
      Once it was over I shifted and a shaky hand went over my o-shaped mouth. I looked to the others to see if the saw what I did, but there eyes were already on me. All lions were on their knees in submission, along with every other creature on the battlefield. Then, a victorious shout rang through the air. In no time, everyone on our side shared the same happiness.
      We had won.
      Rain suddenly poured from above and my eyes were back to the sky. Why haven't I noticed the beauty of it all? I turned and nearly jumped in fright. Trevor was speaking to me, a hand on my shoulder. I noticed that, no matter how hard I concentrated, I couldn't understand his words. When his eyes flickered to my neck and I subconsciously lightly touched my hand to the sensitive skin. I pulled it away and a dark red liquid covered my hand. My brain didn't register it. What a beautiful color! My head cocked to the side in confusion. I knew what this was, but my mind couldn't pinpoint it. The color reminded me of roses and my love for flowers. Flowers required water to keep it alive. And with that thought, my mind returned to the crying sky. The lightning had calmed and everything seemed normal at the moment.. Everything, but the red liquid.
      A laugh bubbled up, but it never reached my ears. And, like the weak tiger I am, I lost consciousness once more.

      "Lily?! Lily you'll be okay!" Her eyes narrowed in confusion as she tried to understand me and I glanced down at her shredded neck momentarily with fear

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      "Lily?! Lily you'll be okay!" Her eyes narrowed in confusion as she tried to understand me and I glanced down at her shredded neck momentarily with fear. Her shaky hand lightly went over the bloody area and, when she brought it back up, her face set into even more confused state than before. After about thirty seconds or so, her look became more of awe as she looked the sky once again. Then, she laughed. A small, joyful giggle that made me furrow my eyes.
      Finally, she crumbled and I was there to catch her once again. I carefully laid her down and yelled for medic, who was already speeding towards us at an incredible speed. This was their queen. As she stood on the opposite side of my, she asked for me to step back. My answer was my tiger's growl and him showing off his blood red eyes in warning to not ask again. I didn't even apologize for his rude behavior.
      After she did all she could, we got her on a stretcher and started to the castle's hospital. Two built tigers carried her as I parted the crowd with no effort. It took no time to get her there, but we all knew better. She didn't have long with just the current treatment. Loosing my queen and.. friend wasn't going to happen. Not on my watch.
      I paced in the waiting room for hours. Everyone knew not to even speak to me without knowledge on how she was doing. She wasn't even supposed to be here! She was supposed to be resting back at her own castle! She shouldn't have snuck out to join the battle! Even so, I couldn't help but see this as my fault. I shouldn't have let her leave my side on the battlefield. I should have noticed her in our ranks as we were leaving the castle.
      "Sir?" I growled at the doctor that stepped in the way of my pacing.

      "Sir?" I growled at the doctor that stepped in the way of my pacing

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I've been trying to better my writing of fighting scenes, so.. Hope you all enjoyed this part!

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