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      Someone was following us. I could tell everytime the wind shifted and the scent drifted our way. It was a horrible smell that grew closer, yet, the boys don't seem to notice while they make jokes and rough-house. I scan the forest behind us quietly, not letting the boys notice in case they thought I was on to anything they might be part of.
      Then I saw it. A man was walking toward us. He had a devilish smirk when our eyes locked which I just wanted to wipe that off him. He quickened his pace, starting at a walk then slowly progressing into a run. Finally, he shifted. When he was a foot away he leeped at me, and I shifted in return. My claws swiped at his face, making him roll across the forest floor on impact. I left a mark right below his eye, meaning I had missed my true target. We circled each other, waiting to be attacked by the other person.
      I glanced to see where the guys had went, which was a big mistake. The redish wolf had lunged at me when I was distracted, landing on my back. His claws dug into my fur, blood spilling from the wound almost immediately. I let out an outraged roar as I tried to buck him off. He didn't budge, so, in one fluid motion, I bit into the wolf's shoulder blade and whipped him at a nearby tree. I swayed slightly at the loss of blood. That when I saw the three boys rushing toward the two of, but instead of helping me, they took off past me to help the attacker.
      That's when I fell. I couldn't clear away the darkness swarming my eyes. I was out like a light. The last thing I noticed was the familiar scent bounding toward us from the edge of the clearing.

      I woke up in a hospital again, my eyes still blurry from being blinded by the light above. I tried to sit up, but my side burned at any sudden movement. I let out a soft cry of pain and tried blinking back tears that attempted to escape. I laid myself down gently agai , taking in the room around me.
     Machines surrounded me with several small chairs at the walls of the room. Like most hospital rooms, it had the doctors computer and it was in the corner on the opposite wall. People sat in the the chairs. Scarlet was laid out along one of the couches, Axel was angrily pacing back and forth, and Blake was snoring lightly in another chair. It took me a second to realise that Scarlet was asleep as well.
      "Are you oka--" I didn't even get to finish my question when he interrupted me. His voice was a harsh whisper, trying not to wake the others.
      "Do you know how hard it was when I heard you were gone?! Do you know how hard it was to find you like this?! To be away from you!? I can't do that any more, Lily. You've hurt me every time you put yourself in danger." I frowned, but stayed silent so he could continue his rant. "I, Axel Stunn --soon to be Alpha of the Midnight Pack--, reject you, Lily Dahlia --peacekeeper of the Northern Streak--, as my mate and as soon-to-be Luna of my pack."
      At that, my heart felt as though it was ripped from body and crushed into several crumbs. My tiger roared in my head from the burning pain. I don't know why. I didn't think I loved him. It was probably the mate bond. "I-.. I understand... I, Lily Dahlia, accept your rejection." I curled into a ball at the pain that was ripping through me. "I believe.. This is your turn to leave. Just remember that this will be our last encounter, hopefully, and I won't want to see you again." He nodded and an emotion I didn't recognize held in his eyes. Then, he was gone. That killed us more.
      It hurts. Azael whimpered in my head.
      I know, Azaelea. I'm sorry.
      I laid myself on my side, wrapping my arms around myself in attempt to keep the pain at bay. It didn't work and a sob split through the silence. I soon realized it was my sob. Scarlet's light snoring had ceased and she was at my side in an instant. "What's wrong, Lil?" She asked slowly with a concerned expression.
      "T-the rejection of a mate hurts more than I thought." I was doing everything possible not to start tearing up anymore and I cursed myself for the stuttering. I guess there is something worse than Ammonia..
      "Oh, darling." She said, her voice full of the emotion that I despised. Pity.
     "I'm fine. I just need to go for a run, then I'll pack my things." I ripped the tubes out of my arms and got to walking out the hospital area. I went to my room and changed to jean shorts and a black tee shirt. After that, I didn't waste time by going to the front door and, instead, I climbed out the window. It wasn't that high, just a two-story drop. I shifted right before I landed and then took off through the forest. I let Azael take control to let off her own steam. I just hope that Axel didn't come along, otherwise he'd be a goner. Two people did come along our path, though. It was Scarlet and Blake, both in tiger form, even though their other sides didn't take over. Azaelea growled, shaking her head at the ones who blocked her path.

      Let's go back, Lily. Scarlet's voice echoed through the silent woods.
      Azael answered, not letting me back in control and I didn't want it, I don't want to hurt you two. Get out of my way.
      Your eyes... H-how..? Blake's tiger looked baffled at the sight of our, now golden, eyes.
      She only growled and charged at the two. At the last moment, she jumped clean over them and continued her run without harming them. We knew they were still around us, we could sense --and smell-- them both periodically. She pushed our body to go faster and we did.
      Only when I noticed it was getting dark, did I turn to go to the horrid pack again. I was in control finally, Azael retreated to the back of my mind where she sobbed her and my heart out. I went to supper, hoping he wasn't there. I had to go either way to keep the peace between the tense leaders. I didn't sit at the table, since there was no need. Sadly, he did come, but I didn't give him single glance. I didn't cared anymore, not like Azael did. He already shattered my tiger's heart. I wouldn't let him see my pain. Blake and Scarlet sat at my table and I gave them a small smile in thanks, which they returned. I tuned my ears in to the table behind me. They were talking of the missing wolves, like usual, but today it sounded more hostile. Probably because of the whole mate thing going on..? Or Azaelea's eye color?
      I didn't turn away from the food, but asked them a question that I wasn't too sure of. "What's up with you guys today? If you thought I had a temper earlier.. Let's just say, I'm not in the mood for any of it today."
     "He promised me that wolves and tigers couldn't possibly be matched! He li-" I cut Leader off before he could finish.
     "Enough! It's fine, since I was rejected anyway. There is no need to argue. Talk as civil people would." I was gripping the fake silverware so hard that I could see my knuckles turning white. That's when I remembered something. "Oh! And I will be packing and be gone by the morning. I think my services are no longer needed here and I'll be at the Streak house soon enough."
      "Rejected? What on Earth does that mean?!" Leader growled, knowing it wasn't anything good. I still had not looked toward them in fear of riling up Azael from meeting his gaze. I wiped my mouth with my napkin and stood up, my chair sliding back a little bit at the sudden movement.
     "Rejected. Meaning, he did not want me as his mate. Meaning, he has put my tiger to the brink of being shattered or dying. Meaning, I'm leaving. And I believe you did not object to the idea of me going back to the Streak." I started my way to my room, when a hand held my wrist. "Don't touch me ever again, Axel." I turned, letting my other fist fly at him. I hit him square in the chest and he flew to the opposite side of the room with a thud, the wall forever dented at the impact. Everyone went silent as they stared at the soon-to-be Alpha of this pack. Suddenly a girl came from the hallway and to his aid, screaming his name. She looked like the definition of a slut.
     H-.. He had another another girl? Azael sobbed once more.
     I just stared for a second, but turned and walked to my room robotically. Good. He deserves to be happy, I guess. I grabbed my things and stuffing them into a duffle bag, then left. I didn't hide the fact that I was going, but I didn't even say anything either. I went in the direction of the Streak. I was numb, barely knowing my surroundings. My only thought was about going home.
      I didn't know someone was around until I got a blow to the head. I fell to my knees, turning to the attacker. A rogue wolf. I grabbed the man by neck and threw him at a tree before he knew what was happening. A sickening crack came from him and he went limp. I sniffed the air, but didn't find anyone else nearby. I slightly felt bad for the Rogue since he had met me on a very bad day.
       This day has been a wreck.

       This day has been a wreck

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