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      "Didn't think I'd see you here again." Said a guy who sat next to me at our table.
      Do you remember this person, Azail?
      Uh... Is it the guy that you punched 'cause he called you 'kitty'..? She asked hesitantly. Oh! I ignored him, putting down my sub and wiping my mouth.
      "It's been, what? A week? Did I push you away?" He continued to be a pest. I sniffed the air without him seeing, just to make sure he was part of the streak.
      "I was only helping the leader make peace with a neighboring pack," I muttered, low enough that no humans could hear. "And what were you doing? Probably relaxing at home or getting with a new girl because you threw the last one away. Look. I don't care for what you have to say, just go and make yourself busy like a good little cat." I continued with my meal, opening my carten of chocolate milk.
      I think you could take him down with one smack of your paw. Azail said randomly. I chuckled at her.
      "Now, now. Remember what happened last time we resorted to name calling." He said with a wicked grin.
      "Just because you got a reaction out of me, does not change the fact that you ended up on the floor. Use your brain and think before you speak."
      He looked angry now. He started it. He opened his mouth to speak; but the loud speakers came on, "Lily Dahlia, to the main office please. Lily to the office." I stood, throwing my trash away, and went to the office.
      In the office was an older lady and a man, along with Leader (I wonder when he got back). The olded couple were about the same age as Mother. So forty or fifty. They turned to me, smiling as though they won the lottery. I looked to Leader with my eyebrows raised. He turned to the only other person in the room, the desk lady, and motioned for her to leave.
      "Lily... So when you showed me your eyes, I decided to try and track down your father.." Leader said, watching to see an emotion come from me. To be honest, I was a little mad.
      "My business is my business." I said, crossing my arms. "And my father is dead."
      "My business is my streak. Meaning your business is my business." He said, pausing for a second before turning to the man. "This is your daughter, Tobias. Careful. She has an attitude."
      Tobias went to open his mouth, but I interupted him. "What do you mean I'm his daughter? My dad left me a long time ago. In my opinion, I don't have a father anymore." I said, looking at Leader defiantly.
      "Oh, Lily..." How did the stranger know my name? "I know I shouldn't have left you, but I had found my mate from a neighboring wolf pack and I..." He sighed. "I've been looking for you ever since and your mom, you know, moving you didn't help. Do you even know who I am?"
      "Why would that matter?" Azaelea was walking back in forth in my mind as though something is bothering her.
      What's wrong? I asked her, now staring at the ground.
      He IS our father, Lil. But he is like the leader of all leaders. He is basically the king of all tiger guardians. All the color in my face disappeared. This means, technically, that I had disrespected the king of my kind. Well, shoot. "What does that mean? What do you want with me then?" I asked him, being wary of him now.
      "It means you are coming home with me and my mate, Tris." He said with a proud smile. [Anybody know who Tris and Tobias is, congrats. I just HAD to use those names. I'm not saying their going to be like Tobias and Tris, I'm just using the names]
      "What!?" I yelled, very angry now. "I have a position here! I have friends here! I'm not just going to up and leave!" I was giving him a death glare. Let's just say; if looks could kill, he'd be six feet under.
      "You don't have a choice. I am you parent and guardian. What I say goes. Now, move along." I growled at him. He said that as if he owns me. That's just stupid. I did as he said, not being able to reject the offer. Stupid King.

      It's been about a month now, since they took me to the castle. It was pretty and all, but it wasn't home. They had me taking lessons on how to be a queen and how to rule the kingdom, along with other essential classes. I had yet to make a friend and barely any alone time. I couldn't contact my friends either.
      I was in my room when a horrid pain shot through my body and I fell to my knees, letting out a muffled scream. What's going on?!
      It's our mate. He has marked [Verb; having taken someone as a mate] another. Whimpered Azael. I let out another scream as the pain worsened. People tried to help me, but I pushed them away, screaming that I needed some alone time. I slammed my fists into the ground, trying to distract myself from the pain. Then, I passed out from it.
      I woke to the brightness of the morning sun. I couldn't help but cry. I couldn't. There was no stopping Azaelea's feelings from twisting into my own.
      I stayed in my room that day.. And the next.. And soon enough, a week has gone by. I didn't eat or sleep or seen anyone. I just sat with my back to the wall, staring out the window. A knock sounded at my door and I decided to answer it this time. It was one of my guards. Trevor, I think his name was. I only stared at him, waiting for him to speak.
      "The king and queen would like to speak to you over dinner." He said formally.
      When I spoke, my voice was barely audible, "Tell them I'm not hungry." I wrapped my arms around my sides, looking to the ground.
     "You haven't been hungry for a week, Princess." He answered.
      "Don't call me that," I tried to demand, but it came out weaker than expected. "I said no." I shut the door, going to my bathroom to use the restroom. When I got there, I snuck a peek at my reflection. I was skinnier from the lack of eating and I had dark bags under my eyes. My cheeks were stained with tears and my eyes looked fogged over, as if I wasn't here, along with my skin being paler than usual. I looked ill.
     I did my business and took a shower as well. I put on jeans and a white, zip-up sweatshirt with a white tee shirt underneath. I walked out my room and started walking around the palace grounds, trying to find somewhere peaceful like a garden or something. The two guards that were usually positioned outside my door followed me, but I didn't care. That's I found the garden. I sighed in content, sitting on a bench. I closed my eyes, putting my face to the sun.
     "What's up, Princess? I thought you weren't coming out of your room?" Trevor said, sitting next to me on the bench. I ignored the fact that he called me princess again.
      "I like to change things up." I muttered, not moving at all. "I think that room is killing me."
      "You look like it too." I gasped, slapping his arm, before laughing.
      "You know, real friends are supposed to be nice and stuff, not telling them that they look like their dying!" I glared at him playfully.
      "Oh! So I'm your friend now?" He said, raising an eyebrow at me.
      I turned away from him, crossing my arms. "Not. Any. More." He muttered something about me being childish and so I punched his shoulder, making him fall off the bench. My guards snicker from behind me. I sent them a quick smirk, before turning back to the man on the ground.
      He growling, grining as he watched me carefully. "You wanna go, Lily?" He challenged, narrowing his eyes at me.
      I got up, getting into a fighting stance and glaring at him, "Bring it." We lunged at each other, shifting in midair. He had a dark grey tiger with white strips. What a weird combination. He also had a duller shade of blue eyes.

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