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     I stayed in my room throughout breakfast and it was finally lunch now. I was drawing in a sketchbook that an omega gave me sometime throughout the day. My sketch was of a tiger sitting on a wooden post, ready to pounce on whatever creature it's been watching.
     When I thought it was good enough, taking two hours max, I put it on the bed. Bored once more, I sighed quietly, getting out of bed for the first time today. I headed downstairs to get lunch, smiling and waving to any people I passed. Most returned the smile, but some flinched away when I waved. Still feared.. Just great. The four boys were discussing things at the main table, leaving no room for me and, for that, I was thankful. I sat far from them, but still close enough to hear if someone was getting angry.
     One omega, named Cherry (the same person I helped with the mate problem), placed a bowl of chicken noodle soup for me and I thanked her. She smiled in response, but the smile didn't reach her eyes. There was something.. Off.. About that smile. I sniffed the soup, but it didn't smell funky. I shrugged my shoulders and took a nice big spoonful.
     Right away, the soup wasn't right. I pushed it away from me, hoping that no one would ever taste anything that horrible again. Pounding began in my ears and it sounded like my heartbeat. I stood to go to the main table to ask what was going on, but the world started turning on it's own. I fell to the ground before I could tell what was happening. The pounding grew louder and louder.
     What's wrong, Lily? What's going on?! Came Azaelia's panicked voice that was was fading in the pounding of the rythemed beat.
     I couldn't answer. I didn't even know what was wrong. The soup? Was it the soup? People were yelling and running around to get to my side, but they were only blurs. And, with that, I was passed out, falling into the arms of a blurred face.

     I was in a dream state, at least I hoped I was. I was back in Mother's home. She was yelling at me for stealing food from kids at school. What was I supposed to do? She was starving me.
     I remembered this day.. This day she showed me that she truly liked to see me hurt.
     First she had snapped my wrist, breaking them almost instantly. It hurt so bad that I could have screamed out for a half an hour. Sadly, no one came to the house to see if I was okay or to find the reason for the screams. Then she put me in the bathroom, locking the door. I didn't know the problem with that 'till the smell reached my nose. It burned my eyes at how bad it was and I threw up everything that may have been in my stomach. She did many things, but nothing was as bad as the bucket of Ammonia. Nothing. I could feel the pain as though it was just happening.

     I woke, screaming from the pain and I was breathing heavily as I tried to move, but I restraints on my wrists and legs. What the..?
     "You started attacking people. We had to put them on or you would have killed someone as we tried to help." Said a voice next to me. I turned my head, startled to see Axel --Ace's son and my 'mate'. There was also Blake, but I think he was sleeping in the uncomfortable chair. I lowered my head back to the hospital bed, staring to the ceiling and tried not to freak out about being restricted.
     I followed the pattern on the ceiling with my eyes in an attempt to calm myself down. "What happened?" I mumbled, asking myself more than him. The memory was more of a numb blur.
     "Someone poisoned you and I believe it was the soup, but I don't know who gave it to you.. Do you remember?" My eyes fluttered shut slowly, then I reopened them to look at Axel.
     I paused, then shook my head no. I couldn't throw Cherry under the bus, since she still had chances with that mate of hers! I didn't know why she hated me enough to try and kill me, but I couldn't-.. No. Wouldn't do anything about it.
     He growled at me and I knew he knew I was lying. I glanced away from him. His eyes were glowing red and I could tell that his wolf had took control."Do not lie to us! Tell us right now!" His wolf growled, but I shook my head again. I made sure to glare into his eyes showing him how insistent I am with my answer. This wasn't fair, though, because I was still strapped down to the bed with a panic growing because of it.

 This wasn't fair, though, because I was still strapped down to the bed with a panic growing because of it

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