Brother, Hold onto Your Marriage

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Brother,  Hold onto Your Marriage

You’ll be haunted by the memories

Surrounded by your past

Leaving doesn’t solve the problem

The relief you feel won’t last

Stop and think about that day

The flowers, cake, her veil

The tears of joy that filled your eyes

The moment she said “I do”

You married her as a boy

Growing into a man

Your family grew by leaps and bounds

Not by two or four, but by six little hands

Slowly things began to fail

You watched your marriage fall

Unable to put forth the effort

Unable to force a smile

Now you must decided

The price you’ll pay if you let her go

Or is the love you once had shared

Worth fighting for

I pray you will take the moment

To just watch your children play

Hold on to their innocence

Before you take their security away

For marriage is not just the cake and pretty flowers

It’s about holding onto one another

As you walk through the eye of the storm

Remembering how you once loved each other.

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