Chapter 19

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My beautiful girl. She was so brave on such a terrible day. Her words had saddened me, that she thought I might not want us living together as much as she did. Of course I did. I wanted nothing more than for us to set up permanent residence together.

I wasn't looking forward to this Wake anymore than she was. The thought of having to share her filled me with anxiety. No doubt there would be guys vying for her attention left right and centre.

The car drew up outside the British Library with paparazzi waiting at the door. Their flashes went off around us as I hurried Georgiana inside. On arrival our coats were taken and a glass of champagne placed in our hand. The place looked amazing, grand, decadent, old. The smell of books and old furniture polish filled the air. We followed the chatter through to the main function room she had hired. Donovan greeted us.

"Miss Georgiana, what can I say my sweet child." His face as sombre as hers he embraced her gently and kissed her on the top of her head. She visibly relaxed and even managed a small smile.

He watched me from the corner of his eye and reached out a hand to shake mine with.
"I know you've been taking care of Georgiana. Thank you." I nodded in response. Perhaps he didn't want to kill me after all?

Before I could take her hand Georgiana was soon taken away to circulate the room. I no doubt was being cynical but it felt a little like the vultures waiting to get a piece of their prey. Young men sized each other up no doubt waiting for their chance to speak with her. She was breathtakingly beautiful and insanely wealthy. Any money grabbing, social climbing persons idea of heaven.

She looked about the room for me and caught my eye. Her eyes like a deer in the headlights. I moved quickly to be by her side before a man in his mid twenties moved in to speak with her. He was as tall as me but slimmer with sandy coloured hair and pale green eyes. He had that all year round tan of someone who pretended to work but spent more time on ski slopes or golf courses than behind a desk grafting. His eyes darted about her body drinking in every inch of her and no doubt undressing her at the same time.

"Georgiana, darling how are you? The service was so special. We were so glad we could be here to support you."

Georgiana looked a little shocked.
"Jeremy! My god. How are you?" He looked smug with her response. I glared at him.

"It's been a while little G hasn't it." And he squeezed her shoulder. I hated him, if the fucker touched her one more time I'd deck him.

Sensing my anger Georgiana turned to me.
"Dom Karlsson this is Jeremy Ashcroft an old family friend. Our mothers were best friends at school." She smiled remembering something.
I took his hand and shook it hard letting him know to back the fuck off. I didn't like the vibes I was getting from him. He was a smug git and had a smile I wanted to wipe off his face.
"Ah old Terry's prodigy!" I've heard all about you. So great to meet you finally. Lovely reading by the way." His smile looked sincere but there was something dangerous dancing his eyes.

"I thought you lived in Switzerland?" I didn't like the fact that Georgiana seemed pleased to see him.

"Yeah yeah I do but I'm back here allot on business. It's beautiful out there. You should come visit, have a break from the craziness of London." Yeah over my dead body mate.

She smiled but didn't answer. Thank you baby.
"Are your parents here?" She looked about the room.
"Sadly no. Papa's resting up after a chest infection and Mama's skiing. She tried to get a flight but they were all fully booked." I didn't believe him for one bit.
I was relieved when an elderly couple came over to speak with Georgiana breaking their conversation.

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