Chapter 16

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The evening had been full of sexual tension and revelations. I hadn't wanted to upset her but I suppose I'd had to push to get some answers and thankfully I had.

Our moment in the toilet had sent me crazy. I had been so close to turning her around to kneel on the toilet and taking her hard from behind then and there. At this rate I was going to die an early death. I might have looked controlled from the outside but I was anything but that. She drove me wild. All I wanted was to dominate her. Have her as mine. Show her how much I desired her.

Her cheeky stunt under the dinner table was unlike her and I liked the new confidence I was seeing. I didn't care how long it took. I'd show her how fucking sexy she was. She needed to know. How could something so beautiful be so unsure of itself?

But her cocky actions had to have consequences. As much as I was respectful of her boundaries and the no sex before marriage thing. I was dam well gonna make sure I got my helping of her. Even if that did mean only being able to use my hands and mouth to fuck her. Who knew, maybe if I made her come enough maybe she'd cave and give herself to me. I'd be lying if I said her abstinence wasn't a huge turn on. No guy wants it given to him easy. I liked the chase. The not knowing. It heightened my senses and it made me want her, need her more and I couldn't deny that I respected her will power and her control cause I sure as hell didn't have it. She was out of my league, I knew it. But a guy could dream. And I had sure as fuck got lucky. The very fact she had even considered this marriage. That she wanted me in her life. That she wanted kids with me! Fuck that threw me totally. I'd even started dreaming about children running about in a garden happy and loved. I felt like a fool thinking that. Sure in the back of my mind I'd hoped one day I might have a family of my own. But with someone like her? Never. She wanted me and it made me feel amazing. It was like no other high I'd had before. It even beat getting my promotion which had meant the world to me. I was the proudest man to have her on my arm but to call her my wife- well that would be something else.

I ate her out in the back of the Bentley, why not I'd paid enough for it and I wanted to let her know I was in charge. Her moans and feminine smell filled the car only adding to my growing erection. I hoped she'd give me some light relief when we got home but how I'd broach that I didn't know.

After I'd made her come a fifth time I slid her panties back on and pulled down her dress. Which by the way I'd have to request she wore again and some time soon. She closed her eyes resting her head on my shoulder.

I pressed the button to speak to the driver and told him to take us back to the apartment. She slept the entire way with her head on my shoulder, her beautiful silky hair falling beside her face. When we arrived she was still fast asleep so I carried her in my arms to the lift. I expected her to stir but she only nuzzled her face into my neck. It felt so good that she needed me, wanted me. Once inside the penthouse I carried her up the stairs to the guest bedroom. I wanted her with me in my room but I didn't trust myself not to touch her all night, and I didn't want to give her any reason to distrust me or think I had forgotten our deal. She'd made herself clear so I have to respect that.

I pulled back the sheets and placed her in the bed. Removing her heels I got to work taking her dress off. It peeled right off to reveal her lace underwear. She looked sublime. Her skin warm and soft rising and falling under the material. I went to unhook her bra and pulled it gently from her breasts. Pert and pink I gently rubbed her nipple with my thumb and she moaned gently and rolled over and buried her head in the pillows making a cute little sound. I pulled the covers up and gently placed a kissed on her hand. She was perfect, angel like, my sleeping beauty. How could anyone feel the same after being with her?
I left a small light on in case she woke in the night and made a mental note to set my alarm early so we had plenty of time to get ready in the morning for the funeral. It was going to be a tough day and I only hoped it ran as smoothly as it could for her.

I returned to my room stripped and threw my clothes in the corner of my walk in wardrobe. I pulled in a fresh pair of boxers, grabbed my phone and slid into bed. I checked my work emails and replied briefly to a few before checking my texts. Ma had asked if I was free to meet for dinner one night. I felt bad I hadn't seen her for a few weeks. I really needed to tell her about Georgiana and arrange a time for them to meet. What would they think of one another? I hoped they got on, that would make me happy. But what would Georgiana think of my mother? The two most important women in my life meeting. Wow I felt the pressure and expectation rise in my throat.

I quickly typed a reply,
Ma, dinner sounds good. How about Wednesday? There's someone I want you to meet. I'd like to bring her along if that's ok? X

Another text reminded me that the Cartier ring would arrive at work tomorrow. To avoid any suspicions I texted Samantha my PA so she would intercept it at reception for me.

Sam, Cartier are dropping off something tomorrow to the office. Please lock it in my desk draw in the office. Thanks Dom

I didn't need to worry about Sam opening it. She was such a professional and I trusted her with everything.

It was late and tomorrow was going to be a long day. I closed the blinds to my city view and shut my eyes hoping to dream of a semi naked brunette beauty sleeping down the hall.

Oh my aren't they cute?! How does Dom stay so disciplined? I know I couldn't!
Please remember to vote and comment if you're enjoying the story so far. Next chapter is going to be a sad one. Sorry but thought I'd prepare you.

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