Chapter 6

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I woke to the sun streaming through the windows facing out to Hyde Park. I checked the clock on his bedside table which read 7am. I assessed his face as he slept peacefully. His strong muscular chest rising and falling gently beneath the sheet. I hadn't wanted to let go of him in the taxi, it was the first time I had felt safe and loved for a long time. He was so beautiful, his face now covered in more facial hair which added to his sexy morning look. His lips were plump and pink and pouted slightly, and it took everything in me not to nibble his bottom lip between mine.

His arm lay flat against his body, he was like an adonis, tanned, strong and perfect in every way. I felt positively ugly next to him. How was it possible he didn't have a girlfriend? Perhaps he had a few? Maybe he just saw women. Would he give them up if we got married? I couldn't ask him to do that could I? It wasn't like we would be a real husband and wife.

The wedding, we'd need to think about that, a public announcement of our engagement, a guest list. Oh and I'd need to meet his parents too. My dress, what about a ring? I didn't need one. I had plenty of nice rings that we could use.
I'd never spent the night with a man before, Daddy was so strict about no male guests in the house and no one I had dated had gotten that serious. There had been some fondling in the back of cars but nothing else. Some nights when Daddy was away I thought about taking myself down to a bar or nightclub downtown and finding someone to go home with. All my friends had lost their virginities back in secondary school. Even at university Daddy kept such a close eye on me with a permanent security detail I was never alone. I never understood the threat to my life and at times I wanted to ask him why I couldn't just be left alone to live and be normal. Guys asked me out but other than a coffee or meal I couldn't be left alone with them. Most enjoyed the attention a bodyguard gave us on campus but soon their interest would waiver when they realised we'd never be left alone.
I didn't feel like a woman not really. I had the body but I didn't feel sexual or confident within it. And I knew part of that was to do with not having had sex. I was clueless when it came to men. Arabella my friend always joked that every guy would be staring at me in a bar and I'd have no idea. I guess you could say I was naive and rather innocent for my age.

I lay facing him thinking about what it would be like to have his hands on my skin and it sent my body into a frenzy just like yesterday when we first met. Something strange had come over me, something I had never experienced before. A tension below my waist that kept me clenching my legs together and left my panties damp all day and night. He had some effect on me that no one had before but there was no way he felt the same. I was probably just some silly rich girl he felt obliged to hangout with and care for because of my fathers relationship with him. In a years time he'd be happy to be shot of me and out of my life.

I carefully got out of bed and put on the large socks he had left me. I opened the door to his room and made my way down to the kitchen. I felt I needed to repay him for last night, do something to say thank you for taking me out and letting me stay the night. The least I could do was cook him a hearty breakfast. I opened the fridge and removed some orange juice, eggs, bacon, mushrooms and butter. I found the bread bin in which there was just enough bread for the two of us. I located a cutting board, knife, some plates, cutlery and glasses before setting to work. The kitchen was well laid out and such a joy to prepare and cook food in, one of my favourite passions. But with Daddy away so much on business I ended up using Donovan as my culinary guinea pig, thankfully he didn't mind, but to have a man to cook for everyday, I would love that. I surveyed the many cook books he had stacked on a shelf, and the rows of spices. I bet he was a great chef too, was there anything he couldn't do? Daddy had told me how naturally gifted he was at sport, picking up sailing so quickly it even impressed the crew on Serenity our family yacht. Perhaps we could sail together? Don't be stupid G he's not looking at this as a relationship like your desperate self. Just get on with the cooking and stop fantasising.

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