Chapter 5

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Her little legs swung from the stool not even reaching the pole that ran along the bottom of the bar that we sat against. But somehow she looked so effortlessly sexy. A few guys playing pool clocked her as we walked in. I gave them a She's with me don't even fucking try it look and they carried on with their game. Dam if we did married I'd probably be getting in allot of fights just warding guys off. She was absolutely stunning and it didn't go unnoticed. The previously rowdy bar had quietened down and all eyes were on us. But she seemed to be completely unaware to the ever growing group of admirers watching her.

I studied her as she surveyed the menu. She seemed genuinely happy to be here. There were no apparent airs and graces about her and I admired what a good job Cobalt had done in raising such a beautiful daughter on his own. She caught me watching her and I pretended to brush something off my blazer.

The bar man approached us, "what can I get you?"

"Can I please have the quarter pounder with cheesy fries and a side of slaw and a pint of San Miguel?" Wow she liked her food and beer. Another attractive trait. God knows where she put it, there wasn't an inch of fat on her and another image of her lying naked next to me surfaced in my mind.

She was staring at me waiting for me to give my order but the words wouldn't form in my mouth.

"Ha ha ha that hungry huh it's affecting your brain function." I instantly felt embarrassed. But I couldn't help but laugh with her. I ordered the same as her and set about slowly drinking my beer. She looked about the bar catching eyes with a few guys before setting her gaze on me. God I felt like the luckiest guy just to be with her. She swirled her hips so she was facing me and her expression became serious.

"Dom I really am sorry about earlier. I feel so embarrassed. That's really not who I am." She had no reason to apologise again. She really did have such a sweet soul.

"I... well ... the thing is." She fiddled with the end of her top looking much like a nervous child. How could something so beautiful be so unsure of itself? If she were mine I'd make sure she knew without any doubt how amazing she was. But who am I kidding she'd never feel that way about me.

"Whatever it is, you can tell me." I tried to say as reassuringly as possible. I wanted her to feel safe with me, to know she could confine in me. She no longer had her father but she would have me. I would always be there for her no matter what.

"Every guy who has been interested in me has only wanted one thing ... my money or my father. I've fallen for it so many times. And I just came to our meeting with the same assumption. I've just been hurt so many times hoping someone would just like me, love me I suppose for me, not my wealth." Her eyes became moist and I thought she might cry.

"Sorry, need to pull myself together. Another drink?" And she waved for the bar man to return.

A few hours later and after devouring our food and sinking a few more pints we were sharing stories about the old man. I loved listening to her recount her childhood, their many trips abroad and the funny things he'd say to her. She didn't once mention her mother so I thought it best not to ask. She was funny, animated and highly intelligent but not at all vain.

"Oh my god, all I've done is talk about myself all evening, I'm such a bore! No wonder no one wants to date me! Ha!" She swayed about on top of the stool her small frame looking as if it could slip off at any point.

"Tell me all about you." And her index finger pressed against my shirt only increasing the ever growing sexual desire I had for her. How many beers had she drank? Three at most and she was pissed as a fairy.

"Not much to tell." I said coyly.

"Oh please, don't be so modest. You have that whole mysterious handsome thing going on. You don't fool me, now spill." She propped her head up in her hand on the bar.

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