Chapter 12

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After finishing up in Cartier I hailed a cab back to mine. The seasons had finally turned and the daylight was fading. Once inside the warmth of the apartment I turned on the fire and placed a bottle of Bollinger in the fridge to chill. She watched me as I moved about the apartment, her big brown eyes full of curiosity. Was she expecting me to make a move? I found her hard to read. I knew now that she found me attractive perhaps even sexy and that she thought I was a good catch, at least in comparison to the scum bags she had attracted in the past, I wasn't sure what that said about me. Was I the best out of a bad bunch?
As much as I wanted her and I wanted her badly I also didn't want to rush things. She had her father's funeral in a day and she was expecting a proposal at some point. She deserved to be romanced and treated like a goddess and I fully intended that to happen. I didn't have as much money as her but I was wealthy enough to provide her with a good lifestyle and I would. For all the money the old man had Georgiana was anything but spoilt. In fact she was perhaps a little too lacking in confidence. Why? I couldn't fathom. For such a beautiful and intelligent woman why would she think she was anything less than perfect? I'd met other women of money, who thought the sun shined out of their arses. They were stuck up, selfish, self absorbed and entitled. And so often had few attractive qualities. It didn't matter how much they worked out or how manicured they were. Ugly is ugly when it comes to a woman's personality. No guy wants to marry a bitch, however beautiful she is.

"I'd like to meet your Mother, if you felt it appropriate?" Her focus was once again on the picture of us.

"My mother?" Why I had questioned it I don't know. But the words were already out of my mouth.

"Um well yes. Seeing she'll be my mother in law and all." She looked worried. Ma would love her but then Georgiana would then know I hadn't grown up speaking the way I did now. Not that I would ever be embarrassed of Ma. She was so proud of me, everything I'd achieved. How I'd changed how I spoke to posh as she called it. To start with I felt bad talking in my new voice around her. I didn't want her to think that I was ashamed of my roots. But I suppose deep down I was. And I had an opportunity to change that so I did. Ma had left school at sixteen when she fell pregnant with me. My father was twenty-five and working on ships in the docklands having come over for the summer from Sweden. Why a twenty-five year old was interested in a sixteen year old I didn't know. She'd never got a single qualification. She regretted that and would always bang on about how important education was. I wish I'd listened to her. I was too interested in riding bikes, graffiti and Drum n Base. But one thing she did make me practice was maths. Constantly testing me and it paid off. I got an A star at GCSE which baffled my school considering I flunked everything else.

"Don't worry I guess she might not approve of me, of this," She gestured to both of us. Crap I'd upset her. This was becoming too much of a habit.

"No no of course. She'd love you trust me." And she visibly relaxed and continued to walk around the room touching my books and ornaments.

We had a few hours to kill and I had to check some work emails. I gave her some cooking books to look at and dashed upstairs to run her a bath. I knew I had some candles stashed away from Ma. After hunting high and low I lit them all around the bath and added some bath salts again that she bought me for Christmas to help relax me, from my busy job. I just hoped Georgiana liked it. I hopped down the stairs two at a time to find her lying on the rug in front of the fire, boots and socks off with her bare feet in full view. Her nails painted that same red. I couldn't help but get aroused. I could get used to this view, to her in my apartment. Which raised the question, where would we live? Would she want to stay at hers? Move in with me, or maybe she expected me to buy a new place for us, a house perhaps. I'd probably have to sell a few of my property investments if I was to buy a house in a good area. I made a mental note to call my financial adviser and property portfolio guy in the morning. Various books were scattered in front of her and a notepad of mine which she was jotting things down on.

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