Chapter 21

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~Americus has cried for the first time in years because of this boy

A year ago, tomorrow, I turned fifteen

A year ago, Saturday, Malachi and I had our first fight

A year ago, Saturday, Meghan and David asked me to be a part of their family

A year ago, Saturday, Victoria moved into my room (that slob)

A year ago, Monday, I officially became a part of David and Meghan's family

I sat back and looked at my list. Malachi had come over the next day after our fight to apologize. When I saw his signature smile I knew I couldn't be mad anymore. He hurt me, but he's made up for it since.

We had finished renewing the whole park a week ago. We were proud of it. If you looked for them you could always find our little personal touches like the word BENJI that is written in the groves of the wood we used to make the bench sitting under the tree I had once tied Delilah too.

It was Friday. I was changing into my favorite pair of jeans and a t-shirt. It was the day before I turned sixteen and Mal asked to take me out. I didn't know if I should call it a date, but I was nervous.

I was just applying makeup when the doorbell rang and Malachi's voice filled the house. I hurried up and made my way to the living room.

"Now you know to have her back by ten, right?"

"Dave," I said as I rolled my eyes at Mal.

He laughed before answering David, "Yes, sir."

I kissed David's cheek and leaned down to kiss Delilah's head. Her tail wagged as I got my shoes on to leave.

When we got in the car Malachi didn't start the car.

"A, I want to ask you a question."

"Mal?" I was scared that he found a girl better than me.

He looked nervous, "Americus, will you..."

"Will I what?"











"Will you go to church with me on Sunday?"

I was disappointed but agreed anyway.

We went out to dinner at Papa Johns. Then on our way home, Malachi made a wrong turn.

"Mal, you were supposed to turn the other way."

He stayed silent. His eyes were focused on the road ahead.

"Are you kidnapping me?" I punched his shoulder, "you know David has a strict rule against that."

His serious face broke at that and was replaced with a bright smile, "Just trust me."

We came to a dead end in the road. Malachi's truck didn't stop though.

"Where are you taking me?"

He stopped in the middle of the field and parked the car. We sat in silence for a while.

"Remember when I asked what your perfect date would look like?"

I nodded. I remembered that perfectly because I thought he would ask me out then, but he didn't.

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